Let The Stars Shine For The Gravity Hero: Dekravity

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Endius: This will take place right away at the end of the ten months. That's because all they did was train and nothing more but I will make a summary to go into more detail. Anyways I don't own shit and enjoy~🥳

Izuku smiled as he and Katsuki stood in front of the building. " This it Kacchan. Our first step of being becoming a hero." Katsuki smirked and crossed his arms." Yep but remember your training. Don't just rush in without a plan got it ya nerd?" He smirked when Izuku slapped his arm in retaliation but was grinning all the same.

They started walking until Izuku saw a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks trip on a loose brick. He quickly caught her before she hit the ground only to blush as big brown eyes met his own. ' Wow she's really cute.' The girl heard his mumble and lit up like a Christmas tree and quickly jumped up." U-Um t-thank you S-sir. I-I al-so t-t-hink y-o-ur cute too." Izuku blinked and felt his blood heat up his face." Thanks." He said he simply said lamely.

Katsuki watch this unfold and could feel the awkwardness from here.' If you want to do it right you got to do it yourself.' He thought and walked up and grabbed Izuku's shoulder." Hey Izucchan I won't be able to go to that café after the exam. Why don't you take her in my stead. You would go right miss? I mean not only will Izuku pay for your meals but you can't just leave the person that help you eat alone right?" Izuku eyes became pure white when he realized what he was doing. The girl was now practically glowing red to the point where steam shot out her ears." O-of COURSE ILL GO!" She suddenly shouted and quickly turned to Izuku who now was pure white to where his clothes were also white." I HOPE YOU DONT MIND! ANYWAYS WE SHOULD GO INSIDE BEFORE WERE LATE." With that she sped away into the building.

Katsuki smirked and dragged the paralyzed Izuku to the building." I'm such a good brother." He said ignoring the looks from the people around him.


Izuku and Katsuki sat next to eachother as the listen to Present Mic explain the next exam. Izuku looked at his card to see he as battle arena A while Katsuki cursed because he had B." Looks like Izsuki won't be showing." He got a hard look and looked at Izuku." Remember Izucchan, you cant use fusion with a random stranger so for only use Full body Bomb. It's the only way you have a chance from getting to the top got it?" Izuku nodded and was about to replie only to be cut off by a guy with glasses and blue hair. " And you two! If your not going to take this seriously then please leave the building!" Izuku looked down and muttered a apology but Katsuki wasn't having it." Listen here four eyes! I don't know who shat in you cereal but you don't get to talk to my brother that way! Got it Extra!?"

Iida flinched and quickly sat down. Present Mic coughed into a hand and resumed his presentation. Izuku gave Katsuki a hug in thanks calming the ticking bomb down and returned it not noticing a pair of yellow eyes with black instead of a white background looking at him.

The Exam- Fake City

Izuku pumped himself up. He could do this. He trained hard for this. He was ready. He will- oh hey is that girl. Izuku noticed the brunette in the crowd and look to be pumping herself as well. Izuku blushed and walked to her but was intercepted by Iida." Are you planning to ruin her focus?" Izuku blinked and looked at him as if he was crazy." She appears to ready herself and doesn't need the likes of you to ru- Oh hey Izuku!" He was cut off as the girl ran to the two and notice Izuku's downtrodden expression.

She put the pieces together and glared at the Taller boy. " Are you bothering him again. He hasn't done anything wrong so leave him alone!" Iida gulped and rubbed the back of his neck." I-I apologize. I haven't realized my mistakes." She shook her head and pointed at Izuku." He's the one you should be apologizing." Izuku blinked and smiled." No it's okay. He was trying to look out for the others right?" Iida nodded and smiled at the boy.' I miss judged him. He really is a good person.' Iida held out his hand." My name is Iida Tenya." Izuku smiled and grabbed his hand." I'm Midoriya Izuku nice to meet you."

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