Day 1 - 4779 (Diary)

Start from the beginning

April 24th, (328 days) - Nothing is sacred to Peter! Apparently, one of the places he and Samber scavenged today was a church! How could Peter stoop so low as to desecrate a house of God for supplies?! What a pig!

May 29th, (363 days) - Today, Peter admitted to killing two marines. According to Samber, one of them was tied up and helpless when Peter shot him! They were soldiers, following the president's orders, and he murdered them. Next, he screamed at the president and destroyed our only chance of being rescued. Then, he "banished" Frank. I know we need Peter to bring in food and water, but how far will people let him go?!

November 23rd, (1 year, 167 days) - Apparently, it's now "legal" for Peter to hunt bald eagles! Is nothing sacred to that pig!? I think the only hope we have of being free of this dictatorship is if one of us puts a bullet in Peter's head. And, I must admit, there's enough malice in my heart to relish the prospect.

June 11th, (2 years, 12 days) - Peter has proven the old adage: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Yesterday, Frank came back. This morning, Peter murdered him! A helpless man in a wheelchair! No trial. No investigation. Peter didn't even try to hide his actions. He WANTED us to know he shot Frank. Peter will wade through any river of blood to keep himself in power!

August 7th, (2 years, 69 days) - I found a pair of small "Destroying Angel" mushrooms growing on firewood! I'm going to use them to end this dictatorship! It will take days for the poison to kill. So it'll be unlikely Peter's death will be traced to food poisoning. If I'm going to really do this, then I can't tell anyone. Not even Jimmy. I'll need to go it alone. When Peter is dead, Samber will be able to bring in the food and water. Then we'll have a chance at true democracy! Perhaps re-establish contact with Washington.

August 11th, (2 years, 73 days) - The day after tomorrow will be our third annual "Bacon Day". I've made sure I've been put in charge of the dinner. I changed it from a buffet to a "formal service", so I could prepare everyone's plate individually.

August 13th, (2 years, 75 days) -
Today was Bacon Day. I crushed the Destroying Angel mushrooms into a paste and mixed it with Peter's mashed potatoes. I put the plate down right in front of him and left the room to wash my hands. When I came back, Maud had switched seats with Peter, and I THINK she was eating from his plate! It was too late for me to do anything; she had already eaten some of the mashed potatoes! I hope I'm wrong about which plate she was eating from. I should know in the next two days. God, forgive me!

August 14th, (2 years, 76 days) - Maud was nauseated today. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect she's feeling the poison's effects.

August 15th, (2 years, 77 days) - Maud is VERY sick, and there's nothing I can do. Once symptoms start, there's nothing anyone can do. I feel horrible! If only I hadn't left the room to wash my hands!

August 17th, (2 years, 79 days) - Maud is DEAD! It's all my fault! I'm so racked with guilt! If I'd access to a gun, I'd kill myself!

August 20th, (2 years, 83 days) - His mother's death has driven Peter over the edge. He was yelling and threatening to kill Jeannie. Now he and Samber won't get us water unless we hand her over! If only I'd poisoned the right person, none of this would be happening!

August 23rd, (2 years, 86 days) - The dictator has shown his true colors. He has instituted a "Freedom From Religion" law. It's a profane attempt at curtailing our rights even more! Perhaps now someone will do something.

August 30th, (2 years, 93 days) - Jimmy, Beth, Carly, and I spoke with Kevin today in private. The four of us expressed our extreme dissatisfaction with Peter's "Freedom From Religion" law. Speaking for our group, Beth said, "Peter's statements about Christians are simply inappropriate. You just can't make generalizations about a people who share a faith you know nothing about. That's what Muslims do!" Kevin seemed sympathetic and agreed to speak to Peter later today. Fearing reprisals, we asked Kevin to keep our identities private.

August 31st, (2 years, 94 days) - According to Kevin, this was Peter's reply to our concerns: "Tell them they should pray to God for me to change my mind. If it doesn't work, then that proves God doesn't want the law changed, and they should be quiet."

September 11th, (2 years, 104 days) - Jeannie almost succeeded in burning down the house today! It's all Peter's fault; it was his abuses that drove her over the edge. Jeannie is now tied up outside. Peter ranted about his hatred of religion. But he's every bit as fervent about science and technology as the holiest of men are about God.

September 12th, (2 years, 105 days) - Jeannie is dead. Peter fed her to wolves! Won't anyone stand up to this lunatic?!?

July 4th, (4 years, 40 days) - Peter clearly suffers from delusions of grandeur and megalomania. What could be more ironic than an atheist who thinks he's a god? I hate Peter on a subatomic level!

September 29th, (10 years, 120 days) - After eight long years, I've found another "Destroying Angel" mushroom! A large one. I'll attempt to reason with Peter one last time. Failing that, I'll use the mushroom.

September 30th, (10 years, 122 days) - When I asked Peter about stepping up the time table for democratic elections, Peter said: "I'm busy now. Can I ignore you later?" That flippant response will cost him dearly!

October 1st, (10 years, 123 days) - I mixed the mushroom in Peter's food and placed it in front of him. I made sure he was the only one to eat off the plate. I took the empty dish away and washed it, so no innocent person would be exposed to the poison. I have my fingers crossed.

October 5th, (10-years, 127 days) - Peter died today. It was a slow, horrible death, but he brought it on himself! Now a reasonable man can take charge. Like Kevin or Jimmy. Then we'll see some real reforms. Democracy must prevail!

October 10th, (10 years, 132 days) - Samber has taken over the power vacuum left behind by Peter. I was hoping for someone older. But Samber is an intelligent person. I'm sure she can be reasoned with.

October 15th, (10 years, 137 days) - I've been attempting to get Samber to enact reforms, such as stepping up the date for democratic elections. Unfortunately, I've not had much success. Samber and I had a bond at one time; she'd make clever puzzles, and I'd solve them. Perhaps that's something I could build on.

December 9th, (12 years, 193 days) - I've been doing my best to ingratiate myself with Samber. I've also been encouraging her to make more puzzles. The last one she came up with was actually quite challenging. It required a helix-algorithm to solve. It took me all day to finally figure it out. You'd think someone as intelligent as Samber would be able to see the wisdom of my political reforms. I'm hoping all my brown-nosing will pay off soon.

June 1st, (13 years, 2 days) - Samber won't listen to reason. Even after all these years, she's still toadying to her uncle.

June 17th, (13 years, 18 days) - Samber is refusing to enact ANY reforms! We've waited thirteen years for democracy. Why must we wait another seven?!? And who's to say Samber won't change her mind when the day comes to relinquish power?

July 3rd, (13 years, 34 days) - I'm miserable. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Samber is now the new dictator. I feel so guilty about accidentally killing Maud! It's like she died for nothing!

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