When got to the library, I 'reserved' our spot at the window seat as she went to look for something to read. She finally came back awhile later with four books. "Tada!!~~ I got Cinderella, Marie Antoinette's diary, history and book of flowers and the little red riding hood book!" She sang and sat down.

"Aren't Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood stories that you already know of?" I asked.

"Yes, but there's nothing wrong to read them again, right?" She asked, giving me sad puppy eyes.

I felt strings tug on my heart again and I had grasp onto my chest at the overwhelming cuteness. Okay, she got me. I still like to watch spongebob so I shouldn't have said that....

"Oh no, I just thought that you wanted to read something new to read " I quickly said. "It's good to read the classics!"

"Ah, these books have been everyone's first story books, coming to think of it." Rin thoughtfully smiled down at the book. "Luckily this is an adapted version of the older version."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh you don't know? There was originally original versions of every old classic fairy tales. The new ones we know are just more children friendly." Rin explained. "Like for example, Cinderella's stepsisters cut off their toes just to fit into the shoe and get their eyes pecked out by birds at the end than just be never seen again."

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"The olden days were very.....well, savage." She only said.

                                                                  ~▪︎¤ ◇ A week later ◇¤▪︎~

(Rin's POV)

"So, are you free today, Rin-chan?" Len asked as I grabbed my things out of my locker.

"Sorry, Len, but I'm a bit busy today." I smiled apologetically, and he laughs. "Don't worry, there's always next time." He said, ruffling my head before walking off and chuckling a 'see ya'.

I blushed a bit and watched him jump over desk and run out the class so happily, before standing up from my desk and running out of the school gates where a rolls royce's parked. I climbed in and sighed. I could be hanging out with Len but suddenly mother and father aren't working today and they wanted me to come home as soon as possible for some reasons.

When I got back home, I ran inside. "I'm back!" I called, walking into my house.

"Welcome back, honey!" Mother smiles and gives me a big hug on the way as I went to my room and placed my bag on the ground to get changed. 

Then I hear a car driving through our driveway and I curiously looked outside to see who it was as my parents were already home. 

A beautiful woman and a tall man with brown hair and red dress and suit walked out of the car. They must be guests as Mother and father often visitors over who were from other companies. 

Romeo and Cinderella -RinXLen Ver.Where stories live. Discover now