Starting Over

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"Had a change of heart, did you?"

Jade sneered at her father as she pulled out a small tool from her belt and started picking the lock on the cell door.

"What, was Red just not good enough for you?" Lawrence asked, leaning against the wall on the other side of the bars, watching his daughter's fingers work.

"I know what he is," Jade stated simply.

"And you want to be on his side." Lawrence laughed. "How sweet."

Jade ignored the man and continued to work on the lock, listening for a moment for the tell-tale click. "I can't believe you let Green Arrow, of all heroes, put you here," Jade scoffed, letting the cell door swing open.

"He wasn't alone," Lawrence hissed, pushing himself off the wall and stalking out of the cell.

"Right, I forgot, he had Robin with him." Jade smirked. "The kids a wreck; not even supposed to be able to walk right."

"And I suppose you know that from all your time hanging around your sister?"

Jade rolled her eyes. Then she reached behind her and pulled the case out of the bag on her back. She held it out to Lawrence. "For you."

"How did you-?" Lawrence stared at the case.

"Being a good daughter has its perks," Jade snipped. When Lawrence continued to stare she sighed. "Told her I was taking it somewhere safe – where you couldn't get to it."

"And she believed you?" Snatching the case out of Jade's hand, Lawrence gave his daughter a doubtful look.

"I did just help stop you from stealing this. What's there not to trust?"

"And I'm to believe this isn't a trap because…?" Lawrence snapped open the case and stared at the contents inside for a long moment.

Jade shot a quick glance around the small room outside the cell. Sportsmaster had been put in isolation – no surprise – and Jade had taken out all the guards she'd encountered on her way in. There was only one hallway that led in and out of the room they stood in and it was at the far end of the prison, away from the main patrol route, but eventually someone would notice the men passed out at the entrance to Solitary. The quicker they got out, the less work they'd have to do.

"You're to believe this isn't a trap," Jade finally growled, "because I stole this… case –which I'm sure is some sort of dangerous weapon - from Mom and am now handing it over to you to do with as you please. So take it or leave it."

"Fine," Lawrence snapped. "Then let's get out of here."

"My thoughts exactly."

Jade led the way up the long hallway and back into the main prison building. She led her father up the back staircase that led to an upstairs maintenance closet with a small window overlooking Star City. They encountered only a janitor and Jade took him down with a swift kick to the head.

"So, are you going to tell me what's so important about whatever's in that case?" Jade asked as she pried open the window again, waving away the dust that littered the air.

"There's nothing important about it… yet," Lawrence replied, holding the case under his arm in reverence. "But once these are activated…." Lawrence smiled.

"I wasn't able to get your weapons, so I'm afraid you'll have to ride with me," Jade said, ignoring her father's dodging of the question. She leaned out the small, circular window and shot a grappler out to the Queen Industries building a hundred feet away. Rather ironic, having the biggest business in the city located right across from the prison. At least the city knew its businessmen. Jade attached a harness to the grappler line and held it out to her father. "Are you going to tell me what those little star things do, or am I still not deserving of your trust?"

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