Chapter 1

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As he entered the building, he recalled what his mother had said to him that morning.

"You have 3 tasks for your new school," His mother told him as Connor slipped a quarter into his pocket. "The first one is obvious and expected, be the top student. The second one may be a bit challenging for an average student, but not a Stern. I want you to take down the gang at the school, Jericho. We know that the gang leader is a student named Markus Manfred, and his co-leaders are students named Simon Phillips, North Kelly, and Josh Sawyers. To expel them, we must have actual evidence or our publicity rating will go down even more. I need you to accomplish this task as quickly as possible, because they're gaining support at a rapid pace. But don't you dare let this distract you from your studies. And finally, your last task to not disappoint me and uphold the Stern name. But that is also already expected. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mother." Connor replied in his usual monotone voice. 

The teen barely even got to his locker before he fell forward, his books flying out of his hands and his glasses flying off his face.

"Watch it." He heard a female voice above him say with pure venom. 

"You're the one who shoved me." Connor retorted as he stood back up.

At his full height, he saw that the girl was at least 4 inches shorter then him. He also saw that this not stop her from attempting to glare him down. She chose the wrong person to intimate. Connor was too used to mean looks. He turned around sharply and preceded to his class.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Connor mentally groanes when the amber haired girl refuses to leave him alone. He tries to continue walking but is stopped by her stronger then expected grip. "You're Connor, right?"      

Connor remains pokerfaced. 

"I'm North. AKA, one of the co-leaders of Jericho." North says proudly as Connor continues to refuse to show any emotion. She leads in closer, her voice lowering. "I know why you're here, pretty boy. Your mommy sent you to try to stop Jericho. Well good job, you found me. So what are you going to do now?"

His facial expression almost changes at that statement, but he manages to keep it calm even though his mind is racing. The teen had been hoping to go undercover and find proof discreetly, but now that would be near impossible considering that Jericho already knew about him. He needs to get out of here. He needs to think.

Connor glances down at his watch. He has 20 minutes before class starts. That would be plenty of time to get himself back together. He just needs to get away from North. He pulls away from her with more force then necessary and walks as fast as he can away. He knows that she is shouting at him, he just can't hear it. After what feels like an eternity, he finally makes it to the bathroom. He doesn't even check to see if it's empty before he locks himself into a stall. 

'Deep breaths.' The teen mentally tells himself, clutching his curls to try to make his hands stop shaking. 'I need to calm down.'

He breathes in, then out. He needs to get his thoughts straight. Go through what he's learned, and create a new plan. He already knew that North was a co-leader of Jericho, but now he knows that she is hot-headed, straight forward, and violent. Possibly threat, strong for her size. Not very intelligent, acts from the heart and not the brain. 

'Okay, new plan.' He thinks to himself. 'I obviously can't go under cover, so I'll just have to obtain information from afar.'

Connor exits the stall, now more confident in himself. He just has to stay under the radar. Not run into any more members of-

For the second time in under 10 minutes, Connor falls to the ground. He hears another body also collide with the floor moments later. 

He attempts to stand up, before he realizes something.

'Where are my glasses?' He thinks as he remains on the ground heavily squinting in an attempt to find his glasses.

"Looking for these?" Connor hears a voice above him and the blurry shape of a hand. He realizes after a moment that the person that he had collided with was offering to help him up. 

'That's a first,' Connor mentally mused as he reluctantly grabbed the hand and was pulled to his feet. 

"You probably want these too," He saw that the dark skinned teen was holding out his glasses. 

"Thank you," The curly haired teen replied, putting on his glasses.

"No problem. I'm Markus."

The New Kid (Conkus School AU + Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now