Murder Most Foul

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A man walked into the Raven club and looked around noticing a beautiful brunette woman sitting at the bar drinking what looked like tea.

He walked up and sat beside of her, grinning evilly, noticing her beautiful face and long curls that cascaded down her delicate features.

Miklos watched the man who sat beside of Natalie and eyed him suspiciously.

"What can I get for you sir?" Miklos asked as he smiled maliciously.

"Whatever the lady is having." The guy said with an evil sneer on his face.

Natalie finished her drink then paid Miklos, telling him to keep the change.

"Goodnight Natalie, and be safe going home." Miklos said with a worried look.

"Goodnight Miklos, I will try." Natalie said with her usual sweet smile.

Miklos watched her walk out and noticed the man watching her as well

"I would suggest you keep your eyes off of her, if you want to live another night." Miklos said with a slight warning growl.

"And if I don't?" The man replied with a to slick smile.

"Miklos saw Janette walk in the direction of the bar and he grabbed the guy by the shirt, pulled him close as his eyes went from brown to yellow in an instant. " I'll snap your neck like a twig if you go anywhere near her."

Janette walked towards Miklos. " What's going on Miklos?" Janette asked as she too had seen Dr. Lambert walk out of the club and instantly warning bells went off in her head and a red flag popped up.

"I don't like the way he was looking at Natalie." Miklos said with a snarl.

Janette looked into the man's eyes and hypnotized him, making him listen to what she was saying. " Now You Listen To Me, You Will Stay Away From Natalie, Or I Will Kill You, Understand?"

The man played it off as tho he understood then stayed in place until she turned him loose. " Now go." Janette growled softly.

The man ran out of the Raven and saw his quarry walking back towards the precinct.

Nick was walking back to his car when he heard a scream.

As Nick rounded the corner to the alley, he saw one person on the ground covered in blood, and then he smelled Natalie's blood.

Nick ran to her and noticed she was losing blood quickly.
"Nat, Nat look at me Natalie."

Natalie looked at him and started becoming weaker by the second

"I don't wanna die Nick, how can I help you become human if I die?"

Nick did the only thing he knew what to do under the circumstances. He reached down and kissed her seductively then pulled her hair, then snarled as his fangs extended.

Nick bit down into Natalie's throat and heard her whimper and moan softly.

"You are now my bride Natalie Lambert.' Nick said as he took what he needed then fed her his blood.

Natalies head fell back as she collapsed as her heart quit beating and she died if only temporarily.

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