Courtesan of the Flower Palace

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"Hey, who wants to listen to a story?" the storyteller asked as he round up the customers of the inn where he is.

"What about it?"

"This story is all about a certain courtesan – "

One customer cut him off. "I thought it's interesting." He said. It's a young man clad in white. "So it's just about a courtesan. Sizhui, let's go – " he told his friend who's also clad in white.

"Where could you young masters from?" the storyteller asked, seeing new faces in the city. "To miss this golden opportune hearing about the famous courtesan of today... this courtesan is even more famous than the past two courtesans – " he said.

But, the young man already left. The remaining one called 'Sizhui' apologetically smiled and respectfully bowed as he left after leaving the payment.

"Jingyi!" Lan Sizhui called and ran after him. "Why are you so mad?" he asked.

"I'm not." Lan Jingyi said.

"You were." Lan Sizhui corrected. "Is it because you hate courtesans?" he asked.

Lan Jingyi didn't answer, but his eyes narrowed.

Lan Sizhui sighed, then smiled. "Look. Courtesans aren't all that bad." He said. "Some are only courtesans in name – " he told him.

"But some are not." He said. Before Lan Sizhui could speak, he added. "Don't try lecturing me. I know your point, but I have my reasons, too." He told him.

Lan Sizhui stared at him. "Just because you have a bad experience with one of them before doesn't mean you should hate them all." He said, his face serious. He sighed. "I'm leaving. I'm going to Jin Ling." he said, referring to his lover.

"Sizhui." Lan Jingyi called. "I don't hate Senior Wei and Senior Jiang." He said, referring to Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng who were once 'courtesans', but only in name.

Lan Sizhui smiled. "Thanks." He said and ran away.

Lan Jingyi sighed and looked around. He has no choise but to go with Lan Sizhui since Jin Ling is living in the red-light district. He also knows the brothel of the Jiangs is safe, since even Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji, his uncles are protecting the brothel in the shadows.

Why does he (LJY) hate the courtesans, though? He thought and sighed. It's because he was once raped by him.

Yes, him. It's a male courtesan, but very pretty. He can't clearly remember what happened back then because of his shock of that time, as well as the trauma. All that remained in him is his loathing towards the courtesans.

He sighed and walked around the district. Fortunately, the place where 'that' incident happened is gone and was replaced by some houses.

"Make way for Lady Hua - !" somebody said.

Lan Jingyi turned and immediately frowned when he saw it was a courtesan on the palanquin. He immediately continued to walk.

He just doesn't know if it's a coincidence or not, but when he turned his eyes caught a glimpse of who's inside the palanquin after the wind blew and the silk red curtain covering the palanquin fluttered.

It was only a brief moment but he saw. It's the courtesan that raped him on that day.

"Jingyi?!" Lan Sizhui said, shocked, when he saw him standing by the door.

He's catching his breath after running like he was being chased by a devil. But, the devil's better than that male courtesan.

Every night he was haunted by that pretty face that's to be admired, but that only makes him feel worse.

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