arrival at kuoh

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Naruto is a mature man, despite his child like appearance. He had gained a vast amount of knowledge about the world through the all seeing mirror, he knew of the adventure of many legendary heroes including, Arthur the King of Camelot and Perseus, the son of Zeus. He's pretty proud of himself for knowing such historical people and witnessing their adventures, but of course his study of the book of Thoth and the stone miracles had caused him to lose track of time and unknowingly missing how the world had changed.

Which is why right now, we could see Naruto with his face standing in front of a glass window with his eyes transfixed into a small square thing with screen and words and images moving inside it. Not knowing its significance or whatever it is. His eyes shone with so much intensity that his eyes had almost been mistaken as a shiny lapis lazuli by passerby's due to its shine.

"Ohh! This is so much like the all seeing mirror! But I sense no magic in it." The boy exclaimed while tilting his head and pressing his face on the glass window to get a good look at the incredible box thingy.

The female populous found it adorable and cute while the male ones find it amusing, due to the boy's royal features and sophisticated voice, many had assume that the boy is just simply ignorant of the world and had been completely sheltered. And by his clothing, they are guessing that he's some kind of noble who ran away from his guards.

"Hey kid!"

Naruto jumped and turned towards the door of the shop he was standing in front of, it was a bald man with bulging stomach wearing expensive looking clothing with his face set into a look of annoyance, with his eyes narrowed.

"Yes!?" he responded with a look of nervousness being the first time he would talk to someone, other than his father.

"If you are not buying something then leave! Your bothering the people and it'll be bad for my business!" The old man scolded while Naruto look surprised for being scolded for the first time, he didn't know why this guy is scolding him and getting mad at him. Never in his life had he been scolded or reprimanded by anymore, due to him never being able to interact with other peoples.

"Hey come on man, leave the kid alone. it's not like it really is a problem, why so stingy. He's just a kid." A middle aged man wearing glasses placated as he walked towards Naruto.

Naruto looked a bit surprised at the gesture it wasn't really new to him having receiving such gestures from his father back then, but only when he did something good.

"Can't you see the brat! Look at him, acting like an idiot leaning his face on the newly clean window. He's disturbing my customers inside!" The man raged with a glare sent towards Naruto who shrink back, this was all new to him, this is the very first time someone scolded him and looked at him like that, he was so used to being looked at with love that seeing someone looking with such hostility towards him made him think that it is better if he had not entered the physical realm.

Maybe this is why his father had kept him in that space where time doesn't exist.

"Hey, leave the kid alone you stingy old man! He's just looking at your stuffs! It's not like there is something wrong with it!" this time the middle age woman walking alongside the man spoke, she has long brown hair tied in a low ponytail and has brown eyes. "You don't have to be rude to the kid, look at him. He looked terrified of you!"

And true to her words, the light in Naruto's blue eyes dimmed as he cowered behind the older man while the populous was glaring at the old man, taking the side of the boy who was innocently looking at the mobiles.

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