Need Someone

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It was a while later, and Nikki had been sat in her living room for hours, staring blankly into space and thinking about what her life was like at that moment in time. She picked up her laptop to check Skype, Matt had seen her missed calls but not called her back.

Despite shutting out help from others, Nikki knew she needed someone. Especially after the trauma of Mexico, she couldn't cope alone very well. With tears in her eyes, she slammed her laptop closed, exerting her anger and frustration that had been building up all day.

Nikki spent the next hour or so pacing around her house, calling Matt and leaving him messages but to no avail. She'd realised it was a hopeless effort by that point.

That evening, Jack was back from work and worrying about Nikki. He knew her well enough to know she wasn't ok, and he also knew that she was known for refusing people's help - even when she actually needed it. 

Jack decided to tap out a quick text to Nikki, asking if she wanted him to bring round some pizza, much like Nikki did when Jack got kicked off a case once.

Want me to come round with some pizza? Thought you might need some cheering up :) J

"Plus, I can give her bag back," he said to himself.
Jack pressed send, then scrolled through his Twitter whilst he waited for her reply.

Nikki was still walking aimlessly around her house, when suddenly a loud "ding!" came from her phone, making her jump. She slowly walked over to see what it was, then she noticed it was a text from Jack- asking if she wanted him to bring over some pizza. She was starving hungry, but at the same time, the thought of food made her feel ill. 
She clicked off the text, not replying to Jack, and then went upstairs to take a quick shower.

It had been about 10 minutes since Jack had sent the text, he checked to see if Nikki had replied.
Nikki had seen the text, but not replied.
Jack thought this was odd, as Nikki would usually reply within seconds. She was one of those people who always had their phone within a metre of them, Jack laughed to himself. Realising something wasn't right, Jack decided to phone her to see if she'd talk to him over the phone instead.

Meanwhile, Nikki was just getting out of the shower, then started to get changed into her loungewear - a loose sweatshirt and some fluffy pyjamas trousers. Nikki wanted to go to bed, but it was only 8 pm and she had a lot of work to do so she steered herself away from that idea.
She was just about to blow dry her hair when she heard her phone ringing from downstairs. Thinking it could be Matt, she jogged down the landing and down the flight of stairs, in a rush to reach the phone before it rang off.

That was the last she knew, as the stairs then turned into a blur of darkness.

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