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Fighting through mid-morning London traffic, Jack was thinking about Nikki and what she'd been like in the past couple of months. Mexico had unarguably brought them closer together, although they hardly spoke for 3 months. Jack knew that was his fault, he should've been there for Nikki when she needed him. He let her down.

After what seemed like forever, Jack had finally arrived at court to collect Nikki. After swiftly parking his range rover in a space, he walked around to the front, where he spotted Nikki sitting on a bench looking dismayed.
"Hey shorty!" Jack shouted over to get her attention, smiling at her. Nikki looked up at Jack walking over towards her and stood up, smiling weakly.
"Hi," she said quietly "Thanks for coming, sometimes I don't know what I would do without you" she laughs. Jack smiled back and put his hands onto her shoulders, looking down at her. As she brushed some hair out of her face, Jack was watching her and noticed her grazed hands.
"Shit, what did you do to your hands?!" Jack gasped, gently grabbing hold of her right hand and checking over it. She had a large graze on the bottom of her palm, it looked rather painful.
"Tripped on those steps" sighed Nikki, nodding towards where they were located.
Still gently holding Nikki's hand, Jack sighed, tutting at her jokingly. "Come on then you, let's get you home" he says softly, letting her hand drop back to her side. Jack put his arm over Nikki's shoulder, and they both walked together, back towards the car.

Once in the car, they started driving back towards Nikki's house, it was a 10-minute drive, providing the traffic wasn't horrendous

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Once in the car, they started driving back towards Nikki's house, it was a 10-minute drive, providing the traffic wasn't horrendous.
"Thanks, Jack" Nikki says through the silence in the car
"No worries" Jack replied softly.
Nikki shuts her eyes and thinks to herself for a bit.

"What time's Matt calling you?" Jack speaks, tracking Nikki away from her deep thought.
"He said before midnight" Nikki replies, looking down at her lap
"Is that his midnight or your midnight?" Jack questions 

Nikki looks over to Jack, then turns her head back to look through her window. "That's the problem" she says sadly, nodding.

A short while later, Jack pulls up outside Nikki's house. It was lovely and sunny, with no clouds in the sky.
"Here we are" Jack says quietly, knowing that Nikki was in her own little world, clearly distracted which was unlike her.
Opening her eyes, she saw her house and slowly unplugged her seatbelt, picking up her handbag. "See you later, thanks again" she says, not looking at Jack to try and hide the fact she had tears in her eyes. He waves his hand, "Anytime".
Walking slowly down the path to her house, she waved goodbye to Jack, as he slowly drove off, away from her house and back to the Lyell to carry on working.

As Jack was stuck in traffic lights, he looked to his side and noticed Nikki had left her other bag in the footwell, her bag with paperwork and files in it. Sighing, he picked it up and put it up on the passenger seat, so that he wouldn't forget to give it back to her.
"That's not like Nikki" he thought to himself, knowing the organised person she was. It was too late to run it back to her now, "I'll give it back to her tomorrow" he told himself.

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