"Alright," Zayn laughs and leaves one more kiss on Harry's cheek. "I will be back shortly."

"I love you so much, mon petite cerise," Zayn tells to Philippa before kissing her forehead and getting off the bed.

"Zayn?" Harry asks just before Zayn opens the door to the hallway. "Were you the one to kill Edric?"

"Of course," Zayn replies. "I nearly decapitated him with my sword and before he died, I told him that I hope he burns in hell with his Father."

Harry grins at him from the bed, the tired look on his face disappearing for a flash. "I love you so fucking much. That knowledge brings me great joy. It's what he deserved. I must say, with Philippa's much-awaited arrival and now this, today is a great day."

"It is, my love," Zayn says with a smile before leaving the room, already looking forward to coming back again.


When Zayn leaves and Harry's left alone with Philippa again, Harry just starts talking to her again in a low, soft voice. He can't wrap his head around her being here at last. The was so much worry and fear about her arrival. In the darkest moments, Harry couldn't trust the notion that his child was to be born on term and healthy. After the loss of his son, it was kind of impossible even if Philippa never let him forget she was with him twenty-four hours a day by kicking him constantly and moving in a very concerning way, which Harry later found out was completely normal for a baby about to be born.

Then after hours of pain, she was outside of the cocoon of safety that sheltered her for nine months and Harry was taken back to that moment more than two years ago when his first child came out just like her, but he didn't cry, he didn't breathe, he didn't move. Today, he heard loud cries almost immediately and the cheerful voice of the midwife saying "It's a girl.". Then Philippa was in his arms and all the pain suddenly seemed like a distant memory.

Harry and Zayn never really talked about the name of their baby because when they tried, nothing really fit. They didn't know if it was a boy or a girl so it seemed pointless either way. But when Philippa first opened her eyes and looked at Harry like he was her entire world, something in him just knew that she should be Philippa. The second and third name needed for royal babies aren't that important to him, but Philippa Helen Grace does have a ring to it.

Philippa doesn't fall asleep in Harry's arm, even though he expects her to. She just stares at him and a little at her surroundings, more alert than most newborns Harry's seen in his life. Philippa seems so fascinated by the world that it seems like she's regretting not coming out sooner, like her Father desperately wanted her to.

The door to the bedroom that leads from the sitting room opens and Juliana appear there, a hesitant smile on her face.

"May I come in?" she asks. Harry nods, trying to give her an encouraging smile. He didn't want anyone else to come see Philippa before Zayn got back from the battle. But now, it's fair for Juliana to meet her grandchild.

"Mother, this is Philippa," Harry says when Juliana is sitting at the edge of the bed. He tries to give her Philippa to hold but she starts crying and quiets down only when Harry's properly holding her again. "I guess she didn't communicate that well, but she surely is glad to meet her grandmother."

"Hello, little one," Juliana tells her and touches her little hand. Philippa watches her in wonder, as she does with all the new people and things. Juliana coos at her, talking to her in a baby voice. For the first time since the whole Warwick incident happened, Harry sees her smile is truly genuine.

"Harry, she is so beautiful," Juliana gushes. "Babies often come out looking red or wrinkled but look at this beauty. She is so alert too. And I know it's too early to tell, but she looks so much like you but I think she has Zayn's eyes."

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