Part 1

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There he stands, handsome as ever. His shadow grazing the carpet, distorting as he takes a step into the blistering moonlight, his skin pale but his eyes vibrant blue, his hair as golden as a prince. He tilted his head and takes the last swig of whiskey until the next shipment arrived. "Good evening Miss Gladstone." He says prominently when he catches me starring

"Mr Marshal... I uh."

"you bring news I hope?" his eyes fix on the document in my hands. My shaking hands "about my wife, veronica has she been found?" his eyes lock mine my heart stars racing but I look to the ground and say nothing, just hand him the document and walk out.

His heart sinks as he opens to find the death certificate of veronica marshal enclosed. His marble glass tumbles from his fingertips to the carpet, dragging him down as well. kneeling on the floor he buries his face in his hands and lets out a heart rendering cry, which echoes through the entire estate. Veronica was the love of his life, a fairy tale romance it would seem. Boy likes girl, girl drops her books, boy helps her blah bah blah. Boring! Now the love I feel for Mr marshal is much stronger than anything that whore could have felt, ill do anything it takes to make him mine, anything at all. He will be mine.

Mr Marshal has always been kind to me, he gave me a home, a job and a life worth living. He never mistreated me or tried anything on me, he is an honourable man. But Mrs marshal on the other side of the situation was a cruel witch who would have done anything to be rid of me. For she was aware of my affections toward her husband. Whenever she found me alone her insults would pierce my soul and crush my spirt, I then began to resent her, the image of crushing her skull under my boot gave me much pleasure. But of course Mr marshal knew not of our quibbles, we kept them well hidden. You see mr marshal is a sensitive man and knowing the two people he loved most were at war with each other would destroy him, we both knew this. But the rage veronica made me feel was uncontainable. Woud make me do some crazy things. I went to far this time. I crossed the line.

Things all started 2 years ago

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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