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Ok so my foster parents are always asking me why my grades are so bad

I literally just get D's And F's 

And they seem to expect me to answer truthfully! They expect me to tell  them that I just play on my tablet all day and ignore the teacher

Well thankfully all I haft to do is when ever they try to ask me some sort of school related stuff I just say what ever I overheard the students talking about with the teacher

The thing is, not that I don't pay attention.....well I don't, but I'm a dumbass anyway so what's the point

And imma be moving to a different school pretty soon so I honestly don't care what my grades are here.

So my FP's can suck it! Maybe then they will get off my back and focus on there own son! He has bad grades to!

I mean he's the center of attention on everything else so why not that to?

Well this is really just me venting but thx anyways!

Love you all!


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