Two King Size Kit Kat Bars and a Purple Highlighter

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Liam just asked Olivia to prom. In the quad, with flowers, posters, and a huge crowd. I didn't have time to linger around and watch - the same thing's been going on all week. The guy and his friends spend all week making posters and buy roses on sale from Valentine's Day. The girl gushes and thinks it's so romantic.

As much as I wish my best friend (and crush), Zach, would prompose to me, we'd both agreed that it would be a waste of his time and money. Unless if either of us get a real date, we're going to go as friends. Eat ramen before. I'm going to wear the dress that I bought last week - dark blue with a sparkly bodice and long horsehair skirt.

Today, I have to study before my sixth period history class. I slide into my usual outdoor table and pull out my notebook.

A few minutes later, Zach slides in across from me.

"Hey," I say, looking up for a minute.

"Hi," he replies, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Did you hear? Liam asked Olivia to prom."

"I couldn't have guessed," I reply sarcastically, returning to reading about Reaganism.

"Can't we have a conversation at lunch?"

"Sure," I reply, turning a page but not looking up. "Can I borrow a highlighter?"

"Geez, always studying, but never prepared." He laughs. I ask him for some sort of school supply every day and he's used to it at this point.

He digs around in his backpack until he finds what he's looking for, then hands it to me. "Here ya go."

"Thanks," I gladly accept it, uncapping the purple highlighter. Wonder where he got that. He's lended me pink, yellow, green, blue, even orange, but never purple.

"And these are also for you," he hands me two king size Kit Kat bars. Taped on top of the first one is an index card with little hand drawn flowers and leaves surrounding the words

Will you go to prom with me?

"I know it's not much," he explains. "But you said that I should skip on the whole big scene thing, so this is what I could think of."

"Oh, uhh, thank you." I smile. I can feel a blush creeping up. "Of course I'll go with you." I pause, looking at the candy bars in my hand. "Why Kit Kats, though?"

"Remember when we first met?"

"Yeah, ninth grade honors English."

"Remember what we talked about?"

"Probably something about Romeo and Juliet?"

He laughs. "No, the rarity of purple highlighters."

"Oh, I remember now." I laugh with him. "And I said that you would need a purple highlighter and two king size Kit Kat bars to bribe me."

"Well, it worked, didn't it?"

"I would have been honored to be your prom date, you didn't even need to buy all this stuff."

"Does this mean..."

"No, I'm keeping the Kit Kats." I unwrap one and take a bite. "Thanks."

Two King Size Kit Kat Bars and a Purple Highlighter (#DreamPromposal)Where stories live. Discover now