New look

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I woke up with the strangest feeling. It was more like a bee sting on my ankle. I looked at the time and it was around three in the morning.
"Taehyung." I say sleepily. I roll over to see him awake.
"Y/n. I can't sleep."
"Me neither."
"Will she ever find us?" I thought about it. What would she would do if she did find us.
"No. And do you want to know why?"
"We are going to get makeovers. How about this. Later today we will head to the salon and we will dye our hair different colors and get contacts for our eyes. Oh! And a new wardrobe!"
"But didn't we just by new clothes?"
"We can wear them around the house. But when we go out we wear the new clothes. Ok?"
"Ok. This will be fun. What color should I dye my hair?" His hair is a mousy brown color. I like how cute he looks in it, but if we don't want to be spotted, then it has to go.
"Blonde. Oh! Or like a blonde-ish gray!" I said.
"How about me. What color should I dye my hair." He looks at me and thinks hard.
"Pastel pink." We both giggle.
"Really? Pink. Do you think that will look good on me?"
"Y/n. You look good in anything." He hides his face with embarrassment. I can feel my face go bright red.
"Thank you Tae Tae. Now try and get some sleep."
"Ok. Goodnight."

We both wake up around 9. I'm up and getting cleaned up when Taehyung enters the bathroom.
"Should I wear my sweats or my nice shirt and jeans."
"If you want to wear your sweats that's fine. I'm just wearing something simple today." I had on jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. My hair was tied up in a bun and I had my vans on.
"Ok. I can't wait to dye my hair. Will it hurt?"
"No silly. It doesn't hurt. Go and get dressed. I think kook has breakfast made." I got a whiff of something baking.
When I was done putting on some makeup, I walk downstairs. Kook was taking some blueberry muffins out of the oven.
"Ooo. That's what I was smelling. That looks good."
"Thanks. So, what's your guys plan for today."
"Well, Taehyung and I decided to get makeovers. We are going to die our hair and get different colored eye contacts. Cool right!"
"Oh cool!! What color are you dying your hair?" Rosé says from the living room.
"Well, Taehyung picked pastel pink." Jungkook almost spit out his drink.
"What! What's wrong with that color?" He started to laugh. So did Rosé.
"I would love to know what's going on here." I felt a little embarrassed.
"Nothing's wrong. We just didn't expect you to dye your hair pink. We were thinking blonde or something."
"Taehyung is dying his hair blonde. Well, more like a blonde, silver color."
"Oh. Ok. And you didn't want to match?" Jungkook smirked.
"Shut up asshole. What we should focus on is your new girlfriend. What's her name again? Seesaw?"
"It's sehun!" His ears started to turn pink. Rosé and I laughed.
"What's so funny?" Taehyung said coming down the stairs.
"We are talking about Jungkook's new girlfriend seesaw. Sehun!!" Rosé cracked up. So did Jungkook a little.
"Breakfast is ready. I don't know why I put myself through this when all I get in return is mean comments from my noonas."
"Awww. We're sorry kookie. We will stop talking about your new girlfriend." Rosé coos. I sit down on the couch with my food. Taehyung sits next to me. We were watching the news when Taehyung touched my ankle.
"What's this?" I look down and I see a small gray heart on my ankle.
"Oh? I don't know. I've never seen that before. I had like a stinging pain there last night but didn't think much of it."
"You had that too?!" He pulls his leg up and looks at his ankle too. There was a small pink heart on his ankle.
"Woah. How that get there?"
"What is it?" Jungkook walks over. I show him the marks on our ankles. Kook looks at me with a shocked face.
"It's called a forevermark. When you and your hybrid feel the same way towards each other, you both get one. They sometimes tell the future too. The colors that they are, Turn out to be the colors you see a couple days before the two show how they really feel." I was a little shocked. Kook was looking at me the whole time. He knew what was going to happen. So did Rosé. I did too. But I'm not sure about Taehyung.
"Really? Are you sure Jungkook?"
"Yes hyung. I've seen this happen before. It's true." Taehyung looked down smiling a little. Looking back at kook and Rosé, they had grins of their face too. My face however was turning red.
"Ok Taehyung. I think it's time to go." I get up and Take my plate to the kitchen. I grab my bag and wait by the door for Taehyung. He was talking with Jungkook about something. He then handed something to Taehyung. It looks like a picture. But I can't fully see it.
"I'm ready noona." He came to the door, stuffing whatever it was in his back pocket. He put his shoes on and walked out. I followed him.

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