Chapter 1: London Bombing and New House

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(Y/N) Prov 

It's funny how things plan out. Walking to school with my bag clutched on my shoulder feeling the nice warm sun on my face  feels like a distant memory. I remember walking alone on the streets of London watching classmates of mine running over to there two or more group of friends as I made my way to school, wishing I had someone to be like that with. To clarify I didn't really have any friends, no one really spoke to me unless they needed to borrow a pencil or ask me to help them with homework seeing as I did very well in school, or were forced to by being paired with me for a project.

Well I guess that's not completely true as far as I know there a two who actually talk to me because they want to and both happen to be siblings despite their age gap and those two were Susan and Lucy Pevensie. I looked up ahead of me as I approached my school but stopping and turning when I hear my name "(Morning y/n)"  Susan calls out to me as she steps in place with me.

"Oh good morning Susan" I reply smiling at her. Susan was part of the popular crowd for her inner beauty which isn't false cause she really is beautiful both inside and out. Normally it's strange she'd wanna talk to someone who not part of a group or at least an outsider but I guess that's what makes Susan different from the rest of those rich, stuck popular girls and I don't really think you can call us friends for the simple reason being yeah she talks to me and so far has never judged me but we've never really hung out together.

There's not that much difference between me and Susan we were the same age so both 12 but I was a year older so I'd turn 13 before she did, our heights weren't a major thing I wasn't tall but I wasn't short either I reached just above her ear and we almost have every class together except for 3. "So( y/n), tell me. How was your weekend?" Susan asks as begin walking again "Oh you know same old, nothing really interesting. How about you?" "Well-" "Unless you want to count our brothers fighting as something new then nothing really interesting happened" Susan and I turn to the voice to see that it was Susan's cute little sister Lucy who somehow had snuck up behind us. 

I giggled while Susan didn't seemed amused with her sisters interruption "Lucy.." "Go easy on her Susan. And I'm sure your weekend wasn't a complete let down I'm sure you have all new amazing adventure stories that I love of yours to share with me...maybe even what your brothers were fighting about?" I spoke squatting down to talk to the youngest. Lucy quickly looks around before whispering it into my ear, we both start smiling when she finishes telling me "Really? Over that?" "Yep" we laughed once more and I noticed Susan couldn't hold a straight smile anymore and chuckled slightly along with us.

I actually loved talking Lucy she had such a big heart and a incredible imagination on her. Like every other 8 year they have imaginations of some sort but Lucy's were something out of this world. We spent a few more moments talking and laughing when we heard a voice called out to us "What are you 3 weirdos laughing about so early in the morning. Your not boring that girl with your stories again are you Luce?" We turn our heads to the nasty voice that belonged to the 3rd youngest of the siblings Edmund Pevensie ( Younger than Susan but older than Lucy)

Now to describe Edmund. Honestly there is a lot of things I could name him but I'll stick to the common ones selfish, mean, disrespectful and arrogant.  He's defiantly become the bully of the school for sometime now but he only really picks on the ones smaller or younger than him, I not necessarily saying he can't change I do think that he stills has a heart but I know from what Lucy has told me is that there father left to fight a war and I guess it really hasn't sat well with him as he probably misses him and just wants him back home but until then it's turned him into a little bit of a stone heart. 

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