Chapter Ten

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Brandy's P.O.V.

I woke up to my phone going off.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Brandy, you and Zacky need to get back ASAP. We got stuff to do." Matt said.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, Matt. We will be there soon!" I exclaimed.

I hung up the phone and looked around. I felt cold. I looked down and I was wearing Zacky's shirt and my panties, that was it. I looked down and sighed. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and put my clothes on.

The guilt had hit me. I slept with a married man. I swore that I wouldn't talk about it with him, and pretend like it never happened. It was a great plan, I assure you.

I went to the bed and woke Zacky up.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

"You have to get up and get ready. Matt wants us at the Venu." I say.

"God dammit." He cursed as he sat up.

I threw him his shirt and went out on the balcony to smoke. I looked below me and just starred. I slowly smoked my cigarette. I wasn't sure what to do, it was hard to look at Zacky.

"Alright lets go." He said to me.

I put out my cigarette and followed him to the front desk. I turned in our keys, and we waited for our cab. It felt like the longest cab ride of my life. I glanced over at Zacky and watched him put his ring back on. It made my heart ache to watch so I looked back out the window. I dreaded this cab ride, I just wanted to be back at the tent. When we got back to the venue, I hurried out of the cab. I rushed to the bus and got in it.

"Wow, someone's in a hurry." Johnny said.

"Yeah, I just really want to change clothes." I laughed nervously.

He put his hands up and moved so I could slid passed him. I grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom. I sat on the ground and put my face in my hands. My heart was racing and my chest felt tight. I was having a panic attack. I tried my best not to cry, and I stayed quiet. The guilt was eating me alive, it felt like. I took a deep breath and got up to change. I changed slowly and then went to put my hair up. Nope, couldn't do that. I had hickies all over my neck.

"God dammit." I queitly mumbled.

I took out my foundation and tried my best to cover them up. I brushed out my hair and styled it so it covered the hickies. With that, I put some makeup on and left the bathroom. I went outside to smoke another cigarette, and wait for Cyndy.

I went outside and lit up my cigarette, as I looked up I saw Cyndy walking up. Her hair was in her face and she was in a hurry.

"Boy, That looks familar." I thought.

"Hey." She said as she approached me.

"Wow, I know that walk all too well." I say.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Come with me." I say.

I grabbed her arm and lead her away from the buses and out of earshot from anyone listening.

"You slept with Syn." I said.

"How?" She asked.

"I did that same walk this morning. I slept with Zacky last night too." I said quietly.

"Brandy, what are we supposed to do?" She asked freaking out.

"We act like it never happened. We can't act suspicious. If they ask why we're acting weird, say we're home sick." I explained.

"Okay. That'll have to do." She said.

"Go get changed and meet me at the tents." I say.

She nodded then walked back to the bus. I put my cigarette out and turned towards the merch tents. I began to walk over to them. Maybe working would take my mind off the whole ordeal. I really needed a distraction.

Zacky's P.O.V.

I got out of the cab and watched Brandy rush to the bus. That ride was dreadful. She didn't say a word, she didn't even look at me. The guilt must be killing her. I felt so bad for her. The guilt was beginning to kill me too. I walked onto the bus and grabbed some clothes and went into the back longue to change. While, I was changing, I decided to look at my phone. I had 10 unread text messages and 1 voicemail. I decided to listen to the voicemail first.

"Hey baby, I'm so sorry for the way I acted last night. I had no reason to over react like that. I wanted to let you know that I will be there tonight. You need my support no matter what. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much while you're away. See you soon." Meghan said.

My heart sank at the message. She was one of the last people I wanted to see right now. I sighed and took myself to the now empty bathroom. I hoped into the shower and just stood there. I knew the water couldn't wash away the guilt. But, at least it gets rid of the smell of sex. Which I reeked of. As I was washing myself off, I couldn't help but think of last night. I kept reliving the moments I looked into her eyes. I know it is wrong to admit, but I enjoyed last night.

I got out of the shower and changed. I threw my dirty clothes in my bunk and set out to find Brandy. I had to talk to her about last night. I walked off the bus and spotted her heading for the merch tents.

"Brandy!" I called.

She hesitantly stopped and turned around. I fast walked up to catch up.

"Yes?" She asked.

Her face was blank from all emotion. Yet, her eyes screamed sadness and guilt.

"We need to talk." I say.

"What about?" She questioned.

"Last night." I began.

"Yeah. Well, I already know what you're going to say. We were drunk, and things got carried away. It was a mistake and it was all meaningless. You're exactly right. It was a mistake and it was meaningless." She said.

"Brandy.." I began again.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. I feel bad enough. You've had plenty of one night stands i'm sure. Treat last night like you treat the previous ones. I'll see you around." She said as she turned around.

I stood there and watched her walk away speechless. I couldn't believe my ears. I wasn't going to say any of that at all. It didn't feel meaningless to me, specially when we looked into each others eyes. I knew it was a mistake to cheat on Meghan, but it was no mistake that I slept with her. It wasn't some drunk decision, I would've done it sober. I had complete self control. I didn't know if she was saying all that as a way to deal with it, or if she meant every word. I shook it off and began to walk towards the stage.

I made my way backstage and stopped. I saw Brian and Michelle. They were smiling and laughing. Next to them was Meghan. She noticed me instantly and a smile creeped on her face. I smiled back and walked up to her. I hugged her and picked her up, spinning her around. I could at least pretend to be happy, for her sake. I set her down and she looked up at me.

"I love you, Zacky." She said.

"Yeah, I love you too." I say back.

I pulled her into another hug and laid my head on her shoulder. I don't know why when I said that I didn't see Meghan, I saw Brandy standing in front of me. I looked at Syn and he gave me this look. Something went down with him and Cyndy last night. From the way he's acting with Michelle, I knew he slept with her too.

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