The Beach

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Half an hour later Brendon and Ryan arrived at the beach were they were met by Spencer.
"Hey, your that shy kid in school"
Ryan rolled his eyes and said "I'd like it if you refer me to my name"
"Yeah sure, sorry"
"Brendon, what are we here for?" Ryan turned to face Brendon.
"You see that fountain over there? well once every 45 years that fountain will light up into 5 different colours each hour"
"and? its just water changing colour?"
"No, no, it changes the sand on the beach really gold and the water changes colour with the fountain"
"The water is pink"
"I know right!"
"can i go swimming?"
They walked onto the dock where Brendon said "no..sadly" then he pushed Ryan off the edge with him letting off a little girl squeal before Brendon jumped and did a canon ball after.
"That was fun right?"
"You pushed me off, i wanna push you off!"
They climbed up the ladder where they walked to the edge where Ryan pushed him off as hard as he could then dived after him, once both of their heads were above water they started laughing, which was the first time Ryan had had this much fun for years.
"You know, for an anti social person you really are fun to hang out with"
Ryan stopped laughing and stared into Brendon's eyes "My past life wasn't the best, i have lots of regrets and lots of things that happened to me which i don't like, my life before i moved here was terrible and its caused me to be the way i am.." Ryan dived under the water and swam to the bottom, then swam back up and continued speaking "Anyway, when i'm with you, you make me act how i never would to anyone especially at school, Thanks for talking to me that day Brendon!" Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon leaving Brendon to hold them above water.
"Do you want to talk about your past?"
"Maybe later, i just want to hug you for everything"
"Okay" Ryan rest his head on Brendon's shoulder before drifting off into sleep.
Brendon slowly swam to shore where Spencer was there.
"Is he alright?!"
"Shhhhh, he's sleeping"
"Oh my, did you kill him?"
"What? no! he fell asleep now be quiet Spence"
"It's probably best you take him home Bren"
"I'll see you some other time"

Brendon carried Ryan to his car where he sat him in the passenger seat and drove him to his house and waited for him to wake up, Brendon decided to text Jon in the mean time.
Beeb: Hello Jon
Jon: Hi, Spencer said your friends with the shy kid?
Beeb: Yeah i am, he's really cool when he's not shy, everyone would love him if he wasn't shy.
Jon: Is there a reason why he is shy?
Beeb: Something to do with his past life, he hasn't told me the extent of things and i will not push it because i don't want to hurt him.
Jon: Do you think i could hang out with you two when school comes back in 8 days?
Beeb: If he wants to hang out with me at school then sure
Jon: Are you with him right now?
Beeb: Yeah he is sleeping, i'm at his house waiting for him to wake up
Jon: How'd he fall asleep?
Beeb: He has imsomnia, but we found out how to make him fall asleep within a couple minutes.
Jon: Imsomnia, is that why he wears eye liner and eye shadow?
Beeb:Not sure actually, he didn't have it on when we went swimming and he doesn't really have eye bags? i think he just likes black, alot🏴
Jon: You went swimming together?
Beeb has changed their name to veeb
veeb: yeah?
Jon: Did he like, hug you or anything?
veeb: Only when he told me he was thankful for me talking to him the day i did, he said when he is around me it makeshim actlike a complete different person.
Jon: Bren, he probably likes you!
veeb: I know, i don't know though, i am curious about him and all.
Jon: Well, do you feel anything for him? does he look at you like no other boy has?
veeb: Well, he is cute and i like his laughs and giggles, they're cute, i like his sense of fashion, i suppose you could say he looks at me differently. like he asked me if he could borrow one of my teddy bears for a night or so but when i gave it to him he took a deep breath and sniffed it.
Jon: He definitely likes you Brendon! 🤣 maybe you could get your friendship further?
veeb: he is pretty cute when he sleeps but if he wakes up to me staring that would be weird😂 I'm not going to rush things though, when he seems ready for a relationship then sure😇
Jon: Is he interested in joining panic!  ?
veeb: i asked him if he's like to join in and have the role of guitar/electric and vocal.
Jon:😬vocal eh? what he say to that?
veeb: He said he doesn't know if he'd be comfortable, so i told him we could try it out and see if he feels the flow.
Jon: You know, your actually getting some where with him 😁 good job Bren👏
veeb:😂...he's waking up i better go.
Jon: see ya.

Ryan opened his eyes and sat him self up and looked to Brendon and yawned "how long was i out?"
"A good 4 hours"
"What?! you've been waiting for this long? you could have left me on my door step or somewhere"
"And why would i just leave you on your doorstep? i was talking to Jon anyway so i was occupied plus i looked over at you a couple times to see a cute sleeping Ryan"
Brendon saw his cheeks go red, he was blushing at this point.
"You good there Ryan? your going pretty red" Brendon laughs out loud.
"Oh, i'm sorry for blushing, i thought when you said "cute" you meant it.."
"I did mean it"
"Yeah, now take the teddy and go in your house"
Ryan snatched the teddy bear off Brendon and smelled it where Brendon had his hand, Ryan quickly realised Brendon was watching.
"It's alright, i know why your smelling it anyway"
"Do you? is it obvious?"
"Kinda is when you smell someones teddy bear twice"
"Oh, sorry, how about you stay at mine the night? its only fair, plus you souldn't be driving at 3 am"
"I'd like that, thanks"
Brendon parked his car in the drive way of Ryan's house where they both walked inside, his house was white walls and white roof with black carpet, and most of the furniture was black or black and white. Ryan told Brendon to make him self at home while he got some blankets and a pillow for him. When Ryan returned Brendon didn't have a shirt or pants on, just his underwear. Ryan couldn't help but stare for a moment then realised "Shit i'm so sorry" he covered his eyes and chucked the Blankets on the floor along with the pillow.
"Where are you sleeping Ryan?"
"In my room, why?"
"Surely you can join in here? you can have the couch, and i can have the floor"
"Don't be silly, your having the couch, i'll take floor"

Brendon could hear Ryan rustling around about half an hour later, he felt the blankets open and Ryan crawl in next to him. Brendon tilted his head around and asked "You aright?"
"Shit, i thought you'd be alseep, No, everything is not right only a couple things are"
Brendon turned around to face him "Am i taking up too much room?"
"A little...i'll live"
"No, no complaining, here i'll hold you to make sure you don't fall"
Brendon wrapped one arm around him and held his back so he wouldn't fall. Ryan shivered to the contact.
"Ryan, are you homo-sexual, Pansexual or straight?"
"Uhm" Ryan coughed nervously "Can i tell you the umm, story of my past life? It will pretty much explain everything about me"
"Only if your comfortable to"
"I believe i'm comfortable"

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