best friend 💓 Crush × Reader

Start from the beginning

You decided to use your nickname for them instead.

( I'm ok, u? )
( I miss u too, [ C/N.N ] )

You sigh. At least, you won't make [ C/N ] feel too awkward about you.

Now, your confession, as you have thought about earlier. You recall having small hints before, like crush humor or romantic jokes. You never flirted with [ C/N ], especially since you didn't feel like flirting would be a good idea. You would rather shower them in sincere compliments and warm hugs rather than give them flattery and whatnot. It wasn't like you knew how to flirt anyway; you didn't have it in you to flirt.

Your smaller hints were quite obvious (or at least you thought they were) but [ C/N ] never seemed to notice, so you had to take an extra measure. You were given a chance to take they USB, which was left out in the open on their table once. You took it sneakily, and as you got home you wrote a letter to where you released all your feelings for them. You had saved it in their USB in hopes that they would read it as you returned flash drive. It took a long while--a year long, quite frankly--until they had told you they already read it.

It's just too bad now that you've transferred schools for "a better future," at least according to your parents and a part of you.

( aw )
( i really should have told u sooner, huh? )

Hm? What is this? You might have asked yourself. What are they talking about?

( wdym you should have told me sooner )

( • • • )

The ellipsis made you curious, excited, and anxious at the same time. You pondered on what they could have possibly wanted to tell you before. Were they shocked about how you felt? Did they feel the same way about you? Do they dislike you now?

Well, the last one seemed rather unlikely, considering they've just honestly texted that they miss you. It must be hard to have lost a ray of sunshine in their life...

( i should have told u about that word doc... )
( and although i might not feel the same way )
( • • • )

...oh. At least they're being honest, right?

( i appreciate how you feel about me )

You felt your heart speeding up a little as you read that.

They... appreciate how you feel...?

They're not rejecting you either...'re probably blushing at this point.

( do? )

( yea )
( i really do )
( tbh i felt really flattered bc no one had seemed to ever felt that way about me before )
( until i met u )

They felt flattered? You might have thought once again. I'm feeling giddy even though they don't feel the same!

( awh )
( well )
( I meant everything I typed in that document )
( so uh??? you're welcome??? )

( haha ^_^ )
( still, i don't really feel the same way but still )
( i really appreciate how u feel about me )

( well that's good to know )
( >w< )

You sighed in relief, now knowing that your feelings aren't exactly... ignored or disapproved of. It was a shock that [ C/N ] understood how you felt about them, though, and the fact that they fully accept it despite not really feeling the same way about you.

( oh hey )
( i have a proposal for u )

...wot? You said in your head, more than confused at this point. You didn't think much on what the proposal could be though, because it would be better to just have it said by them instead.

( what proposal? )
( p sure its not a wedding proposal lol 😆 )

You chuckle at the joke while mentally smacking yourself to the wall. Naturally, they aren't proposing to you for a wedding.

( let's be each other's best friends )
( i mean it's not like we're gonna be in that kinda relationship but )
( i suppose its close enough(?) )

( of course I wanna be best friends w/ u !!!!! )
( you dumdum )

( especially since we've known each other for a long time now )
( oh 😆 )
( that's nice )

Well, it wasn't a wedding proposal, but it was close enough. You did know each other for two years, and you believe that you both have come to a quite personal level. That would be enough to be able for you two to be each other's best friend, right?

Right. You genuinely smile in happiness at this.

( yee )

( :) )

As you were about to type a new message, though, you hear your parent call you from your room. You heave a sigh as you delete your message and replace it with a kind of farewell.

( awh mom's calling me to do some chores )
( gtg :') ttyl? )

( oh... )
( ok :) )
( see ya later then ^_^ )

You smile once again as you exit the messaging app and turn off your phone's screen. You didn't expect [ C/N ] to like you back, but you certainly didn't expect them to appreciate and accept how you felt for them. Satisfaction, relief and joy washed over you as you skipped your way to your parent.

With what had just happened to you and [ C/N ], you believe that you will have a good day.

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