best friend 💓 Crush × Reader

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Note: This is based on yet another song! It's by Cavetown this time, though. uwu

[ Y/N ] = Your Name
[ C/N ] = Crush's Name
[ C/N.N ] = Crush's Nickname

P.S. Gender neutral you & gender neutral crush for your preference. uwu

• ♡ •

( heya )
( how ya doin? )

It's been a long time since you've talked to your crush and best friend, [ C/N ].

You've known them since they first arrived as a new student in your school--you were basically their first friend. You two got along well together, and they seemed to get along with your friends, too. In the time span when you were getting to know each other, though, you started feeling a little... odd whenever you're with them. First, you would be excited at every chance you get to talk to them, or feel giddy whenever they mention your name. Then, you would never grow tired of the long talks you two would have despite the many hours that would pass by. Lastly, you truly enjoyed their presence.

It took you a while, but you realized that you have had a crush on the transfer student.

You would usually shake off the thought of even having feelings for this person whenever that fact would return to you. It was just that you knew that it was never going to work out despite how your heart would beat every time [ C/N ] would be gladly chatting with you after class. You really did like them that way, yes, but would it have been worth it to even confess?

You tried it once.

( o hi )
( long time no talk )

Ah, [ C/N ] has replied to you. This fact alone made your heart jump as your fingers scrambled to type a reply.

( hey!!!!! )
( long time indeed, heh )

You almost feel like smacking yourself for the fact that you may have added too many exclamation marks. You hiss at yourself, but you were interrupted when you saw [ C/N ]'s display photo pop up beside an ellipsis. A message was sent, but it retained itself.

( how r u? )
( • • • )

The question was simple, yet somehow heartwarming for you. They would like to know if you were doing fine, and so you began typing, "I'm ok, u?"

Your message was not sent, though, since they finished the one they were typing.

( how r u? )
( i honestly miss u )

That last one was honestly unexpected of them. While you did want to hear it--or rather see it since this is a text message--from them that they miss you too, it was quite absurd now that you did. You suddenly feel butterflies fluttering within you as you become more sensitive of the thumping heart in your chest. Your cheeks flare a little as you shakily send your reply to their earlier question, and begin typing a reply to their statement.

( I'm ok, u? )
[ I miss u too sweetie| ]

You suddenly contemplate the nickname you were about to add. Wouldn't it be a little weird if you called them "sweetie?"

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