Scooby, Shaggy and the adventure kids kept screaming and running away as Scrappy-Rex stomped after them. 

"Yield to my puppy power!" Scrappy-Rex was right on top of them. 

"We gotta tip over the protoplasm vat" Velma told Fred, Jane and Walter urgently. 

"How?" they asked. 

Velma quickly looked around and noticed Tauna's pincer. "The pincer. Come on!" she started running with Jane right behind her, only for the girls to be grabbed by guards. 

"Hey, let go of her!" Walter snarled, glaring towards the guards as they had his wife and lunged at them. 

Fred spotted the bungee cords on the ground and decided to use them for weapons, knocking the guards out with them and saving Velma. 

Walter tackled the guards aggressively and had knocked them out. No one was going to dare hurt the love of his life. 

"My knight in shining armor" Jane smiled dreamily to the man she fell in love with back in high school, having saved her life. 

Walter and Jane looked to each other, about to have one of those lovely, romantic moments until Velma suddenly broke them up. 

"Uh, I hate to ruin a tender moment, but we still got to save Scooby and the kids" the brainy girl reminded the couple. 

Walter and Jane then looked back over in worry, seeing Scrappy-Rex now going after Kali.  

"Scrappy, don't you dare touch my little girl!" Walter warned the crazed puppy if he even dare hurt his daughter. 

But Kali was fine and not even worried while she was being chased by the monstrous puppy. She and the other adventure kids had been running all around Scrappy-Rex in zig-zags, keeping him distracted. The twins even ran through right under his legs, catching the monster puppy off guard as he quickly turned around to grab them, but lost his balance due to his giant size and fell hard to the ground. 

The adventure kids regrouped and all high-fived each other in victory. But Scrappy-Rex got back up and roared in their faces, causing them all to flee rather quickly. 

Scrappy-Rex then went back to chasing Scooby Doo. 

"Scooby! Get Scrappy to come over here!" Kali called out to the great dane, pointing out to a big chasm area she was standing right over. 

Scooby followed the tomboy's instructions, but ended up getting caught by Scrappy-Rex. 

"You look so much bigger on TV" Scrappy-Rex stated to his uncle, while he had him in his grasp. 

Scooby however, suddenly grabbed onto his nephew's snout, making Scrappy-Rex drop Scooby and let out a big disgusting sneeze, getting snot all over Scooby.

"Ew! Gross!" Cynthia and the twins cringed as they watched poor Scooby get covered in puppy monster snot. 

The kids ran up to Shaggy, when they looked back to see Scrappy-Rex about to pound Scooby into the ground. 

"Like, we've gotcha, Scoob!" Shaggy grabbed onto his buddy, as he and the adventure kids took Scooby down with them into the chasm. 

"That was a close one" David sighed in relief.  

"Come back here, you lazy beatnik!" Scrappy-Rex tried to get the gang down in the chasm, but obviously couldn't due to his giant size.

"I think we're safe now" Teeders told the gang. 

Suddenly, Mary Jane appeared out of nowhere, surprising the gang. She then grabbed Scooby and Shaggy in a choke hold and held them up against the wall. 

The Adventure Kids first ever Mystery with Scooby DooWhere stories live. Discover now