"Reah, uber creepy" Scooby nodded in agreement. 

"You don't have to tell me that" Teeders added. 

"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie" Daphne muttered. 

Suddenly, the doors opened, startling everyone as they all screamed. Shaggy jumped into to Scooby's arms, and David jumped into Cynthia's arms. 

Luckily, it was only Fred and Walter who walked in. 

David then turned to Cynthia, realizing he was in her arms. "Sorry, reflexes" he then gave a charming smile to her and waved his eyebrows. 

Cynthia rolled her eyes and dropped David to the floor. 

"Dad?" Kali looked to see her dad, wondering where he had been since he disappeared earlier.

"Fred, Walter, get back" Daphne demanded. "I found this place. I call dibs on its clues"

"Calm down, Daph" Walter told the redhead.  

"We've already found some clues" Fred told her.   

"What?" Daphne looked shocked.  

"We followed some weird footprints up here" Fred explained to his crush. "Thought it be dangerous for you"

"If anyone messes with me, I'll just open a can of 2000 year old Chinese whoop-ass on them" Daphne stated.  

Suddenly, Daphne and Cynthia were both grabbed by their shoulders as a scary statue had come up behind them, causing them both to shriek, and Cynthia nearly to wet herself while Shaggy and a few of the other kids screamed, clutching onto each other. 

Velma then came out from behind the statue, giggling a little. But she wasn't alone. 

"Hey, guys" Jane also came out and greeted the gang. 

"Mom?" Kali and the twins asked, looking a bit confused. 

"VELMA!" Shaggy was angry that she scared him like that. 

"Jane, what are you doing here? I thought you were staying back at the hotel" Walter said to his wife. 

"I was," Jane began to explain. "But then I got worried about you guys" she came over to hug her kids who tried to get out of her grasp, assuring her they were fine. 

"Plus, miss out on a chance of adventure? No way!" she then smirked to her husband. 

"This ride was closed due to dangerous construction. The most likely place to hatch a insidious plan" Velma explained. "And I wanted to scare the patootie out of Daphne" she added, cheekily. 

Daphne rolled her eyes. 

"Well, since we're all together, let's split up and look for more clues" Fred suggested. 

"Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no!" Cynthia said. "I've seen horror movies. I know how this works. The monster will pick us off one by one!" 

"Oh, stop overacting" Kali scoffed at her scared fashionista friend. "Besides, Dad always told me Scooby and Shaggy would be the ones to run into the monster first" the adventure girl recalled from her dad's stories. 

"Hey! Like, don't remind us" Shaggy looked to his friend's daughter, who was like a niece to him.  

"Reah" Scooby added. 

"Geez, who elected them the bad luck kings of monster bait?" Teeders whispered to the twins, referring to Shaggy and Scooby.  

"Don't worry" Walter assured the kids gently. "This is why we're picking teams" 

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