When I reached the entrance, I was looking for my SUV. At that precise moment, I winced and stopped in my tracks. I felt like someone poked me with a knife. Straightening, I found my SUV parked in the corner. It was already three in the afternoon and I needed to resume searching for Templar without wasting any time.

Immediately, I opened my mind-link and connected with Terence, ‘Where are you?’

‘Everett?’ he asked unsurely.

No. I am his ghost’ I said sarcastically. ‘Where are you?’

‘Behind you’ he replied and I turned to see him already jogging towards me beside a pale looking January. I furrowed my brows as I saw her. Something wasn’t right! “What are you doing out here? You should be taking rest.”

“I’m fine. Did you find anything about Templar?” I asked and both lowered their lashes. I sucked in a breath and gnashed my teeth, in furious frustration. My wolf started walking back and forth in apprehension.

“Her scent is gone” January whispered weakly, tears clouding her eyes. “There was no trace of her after DayDusk. No one from ThunderSky spotted her” she sobbed and I swallowed audibly.


Where is my mate?

“All the packs from the country are aware and are searching for her” Terence added.

“Where is she?” I heard myself whisper belatedly.

They shook their head to give me a negative response. “All packs have been informed and they all are searching for her.” January replied and the bag dropped from my hands as once again I felt an unusual pain in my lower abdominal region.

“Few fighters from the pack have already attacked Glen’s father’s house in Lockwood territory. They found nothing strange. The house was emp- Rett” Terence said in worry as I placed a hand on my stomach. My wolf was howling with pain and my heart hammered in my chest.

“Rett” Terence screamed and rushed towards me when I fell on my knees. My wolf started howling repeatedly as I started shivering and gasping for air. I placed my hands on the pavement and tried to breathe. My wolf continued howling and unlike other times, he didn’t beg me to shift either.

I screamed and hit the pavement repeatedly as the pain increased. It felt like someone was cutting my limb. Terence and others were screaming my name but I blocked them all out and was trying to breathe repeatedly.

Closing my eyes shut, I bit my tongue hard to make any form of sound escape from my body. However sometimes it was very difficult. Someone was rubbing my back repeatedly but it didn’t help at all.

I knew I was feeling Templar’s pain but I didn’t understand what was happening to her. Her wolf wasn’t even connecting to mine. Her wolf was just not there but I knew it was her pain, because apart from a tasteless tongue, I was feeling fine.

At one point of time, the pain skyrocketed and I screamed loudly while my wolf wailed. I was still struggling to breathe as I felt heart wrenching pain that I would not wish even on my enemy. The pain was so unbearable that my eyes flooded as I screamed.

My wolf craned his neck and gave a longest howl I have ever heard him giving to anyone. When there was no reaction for the call, my wolf collapsed on the ground, completely drained of energy.

As he fell, my body too submitted itself to the fatigue. I opened my eyes and looked to see a crowd of people around me trying to help me, but all efforts were vain.

The pain started subsiding after a minute as I blinked repeatedly, to hold back the tears from the cry. After sometime, I started breathing repeatedly but I lacked energy and was unable to get move a single muscle.

I'm The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now