2/21/2019 7:44pm

5 0 0

do you ever send someone a text before sending them a picture and just get lots of anxiety over it?? let me elaborate. 

sometimes i'll take a screenshot or a picture and i'll get nervous about sending it to someone because i won't know whether or not to send a text or the image first. 

i worry that if i send the text that explains the picture first that whoever i'm texting will see the text before i send the image and get confused but i ALSO worry that if i send the image before the text they'll get confused as to why im randomly hitting them up with a picture.

buT YEAH im 99% sure other people know that feeling.


not to brag, but have i told yall that i'm related to king george iii? basically im only a descendant of him, im not really royalty or anything (...i think). and its kinda cool too because i can see the resemblance in my face between his and mine. we both have a weird butt-chin, we both have similar eyebrows, we have a similar face shape, the list goes on and on...


my little bragging session's over. i just like sharing stuff like that

that's why i made this journal-

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