Chapter 1 - How They Met

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Some call him names. Some even make fun of his large hat. But to me, he is the penguin of my dreams. Someone I am forever grateful for. Someone I can trust. P49284 (Pillow, for reference) has given me the gift of life again, as we run the Parlor together, flipper in flipper.

Perapin, owner and co-manager of the Pizza Parlor

_______ Perapin and Pillow— A Love Story for the Ages _______

The day he walked into the Parlor, Perapin couldn't resist. It was like a scene from a movie. The french doors at the front of the restaurant opened, as if they were the gates of heaven themselves. Out through the glimmering sunlight and faint brush of snow came Perapin's soon-to-be partner in crime.

Perapin turned his head and dropped his beak in awe at what he was looking at— his clean, pressed tuxedo; his thick, black chaps; his brown, glossed sunglasses; his large cowboy hat. Perapin was sold. P49284 waltzed in, brown puffle at his side, (how he did love a penguin who cares for animals, thought Perapin to himself) and waddled his way over to the counter.

"I'm looking for a job," said P49284.

Perapin almost melted to the ground right then and there. Could it be? Would he really get to be working with the most handsome, stylish, and courteous penguin on the island?

Flippers quivering at his sides, Perapin looked down at P49284 and replied joyously, "Of course! We have to ask you a few questions first before we get started, if that's alright with you..." pausing to look at his player name,  "...P49284!"

P49284 smiled. "No need to call me by that silly name. I prefer Pillow. And I would love to start the interview!"

Pillow, Perapin remarked to himself. How lovely that his name was so dainty yet so powerful.

"Great! Let me come around the counter here and we'll get started..."

Perapin and Pillow-- A Love Story for the AgesWhere stories live. Discover now