Getting Ready

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Asori was seen exiting her bedroom as she had just gotten dressed and everything. When she made her way downstairs to get breakfast, Ashley suddenly jumped out from one of the corners and yelled, causing Asori to be a little surprised.
Ashley then took off her mask as she continued talking with Asori.
Asori:What, was I supposed to be scared? Cause that trend you just did is kinda old.
Ashley:Well, worth a shot.
Ashley and Asori then made their way to the dining room where Aubrey was setting the table, plates, food, and everything. Jayden and Shadow Bird were present as they were already dishing up. During breakfast, the group started talking about their plans for Halloween.
Jayden:So, what do you guys wanna do before our epic night of fright?
Jayden said before he took another bite of his hash browns.
Ashley:Don't know, probably just chill.
Aubrey:Same here.
The two girls said as they were eating their food.
Shadow Bird:I'm just gonna work on my gadget stuff.
Shadow Bird said after he swallowed his eggs.
Asori:Well, I'm getting my costume ready. In fact, after breakfast, I was gonna put the finishing touches on it.
Jayden:That's cool.
Jayden said while chewing his breakfast sandwich.
"Somber/lightly sad music plays"
After breakfast, Aubrey was seen trying to pick out what she was going to wear for Halloween. During this process, she comes across some old memories in the form of a Pikachu costume that a boy she liked made her for Halloween two years ago. The memories of his betrayal also played out as she fought back the urge to wear it, as well as the urge to shed tears, and, after the memories stop, put the costume back where she found it. She continued ruffling through her things before she made her decision on her outfit.
"Music ends"
A while later, Ashley was getting her makeup on as well as her costume when she receives a text from her phone. She was dressing up as the Checkered Swordsman, a character that she read about in Anything, Nerd?, and the costume looked almost identical to the character, minus the sword. The text read about how the group was getting ready to head out in fifteen minutes. Thankfully, she was nearly done and as she headed out when she was done, Asori was just finished with her costume as well. She was wearing black, long armed gloves with white boots as well as a short sleeved grey hooded robe and leggings which covered a Three Days Grace t-shirt. She looked amazing, frighteningly amazing. Her hormonal train of thought was interrupted by Asori's words.
Asori:Something wrong?
Ashley:No. Why do you ask?
Asori:Never mind, then.
The two girls walked downstairs to where everyone else is at. Aubrey was wearing a black long sleeve body shirt with her black jeans, with a black crow cloak hood and mask. Shadow Bird was dressed up as a clown ring master complete with a dark red top hat and suit, white face paint, red lipstick that made a red smile from ear to ear, and a small face mask to hide his identity. Jayden was a gothic artist, his version being made up of a black hoodie and pants with a black, messy long haired wig, and black makeup consisting only of black lipstick and eyeshadow.
Jayden:You guys ready?
Asori and Ashley:Yep.
The others were ready as well as we now move to the ghoulized Fic-City.

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