chapter 2

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hird person P.O.V

The alpha growled back accepting the challenge his eyes turning into a glowing red.

The alpha dropped the whip and Taylor ran to cody and picked him up and ran in the crowd.

Lisa growled and jumped at the alpha. Changing to her grey wolf in mid air. The alpha dodged easily and laughed.

"Your to small and weak to defeat me" he laughed again and turned into his brown wolf.

Lisa's wolf was smaller then the alpha' s but still bigger than an Omega should have been.

She growl again and jumped at the alpha but she couldn't seem to get him.

He jumped on her and bit a chunk of fur and meat off her shoulder she howled in pain but got away.

She got angrier. She stomped her right paw and crouched low ready to pounce.

The crowd gasped again. A red hot fire started to cawl its way From the tip of her tail down her back, legs and down to her nose.

Soon her whole wolf was covered in flames and her eyes a glowing red just like the alpha's.

The alphas wolf stoped and looked at her in shock.

She took that moment to attack and jumped at him. Taylor covered codys eyes and watched on.

Lisa grabbed his neck with her mouth and bit down with all her strength snapping his neck in seconds.

Her wolf soon became larger than the alpha dead wolf. Gaining the alpha's power and strength.

Taylor uncovered Cody's eyes and ran to get a blanket not missing the sound of lisa's powerful growl she was now alpha of the pack.

The fiery wolf looked at the crowd daring someone to Challeng her. The crowd soon cheered. the alpha was Dead.

Taylor soon came back with a blanket and wrapped it around Lisa's wolf. Lisa turned into her human form and looked at the crowd.

"I'm now your alpha if you don't like it you are free to leave" lisa said she then waved Cody over, to her and Taylor. " and these two are now your princess and Prince"

The crowd cheered and bowed. The three bowed too then made there way to there new home.

The alpha's house...


YAY chapter 2 is up :D so the picture is of lisa's wolf after she kills the evil alpha. Hope you enjoyed bye - em

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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