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❝ You are the kind of soul that anyone would be lucky to be with; and you don't even know it. The great ones never do. ❞


I don't own Twilight or any of its characters - those belong to Stephenie Meyer. I do however own Beau and any other original character I introduce to this story.

That being said, this plot-line is something that I have never ever - ever - read in the Twilight fandom, which is rather surprising. Animals (or in this case, pets) are rarely portrayed as anything other than secondary characters and sources of comfort for OCs, so I decided: why not look at life through a dog's perspective?

I've been watching The Secret Life of Pets for this plot but I'm warning you; I don't have a pet myself, so I might not be able to lay down Bella's friendship with Beau as naturally as I'm hoping to do. If you have any pointers that you think could help me, feel free to comment bellow!

Beau is - overall - a very intelligent and humorous character, which is why I think this story will mostly be comedic. Also, when he thinks, it will be in italics and no one except Edward can hear him.

Also! Before I begin - I would like to dedicate this story to as a thank you to SilverWandShadowH7 for giving me the idea for this plot and suggesting the perfect breed for Beau to be. I honestly couldn't have come up with this plot without you, so thank you! On that note; I hope you enjoy this bizarre story!

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