CHAPTER 2: Arguments

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It has been 7 months since Deanna and Jema last talked. The memory still lingers on the harsh conclusion of that conversation. The setter couldn't believe that the vow she made once is now broken.

"Jema, I'm tired and it's late. If you plan to rant to me about your accusations, please sign me out" Deanna harshly responded. The wives have been getting back and forth fighting about the lack of time. More like in Deanna's view, Jema is having an episode of insecurity and distrust towards her. Ever since that one instance at a party where her wife has been indicating a possibility of her cheating.

"Of course you'll want to set this talk aside, common Deanna just tell me upfront if you are cheating on me or planning too because I've been there so at least respect me enough to be honest with me" Jema responded angrily. The setter's wife has been feeling unwanted for quite a while now. They were on their second year of long distance but this was the first time she felt so far from Deanna.

It all started when her schooling and training schedule are tighter that before. Deanna's volleyball season has just begun and then she enrolled her post graduate studies. They had lesser and lesser time interacting with each other. Text messages became a routine of morning, lunch, dinner and good nights. Date nights are now a rarity between them and they continue to struggle for having a different time zone.

"Now you're accusing me of what, cheating, when I have said numerous times that I would never do that. Haven't I proven myself enough and don't ever give me that crappy excuse of missing me and wanting to spend more time with me hence you choose to act childish towards this issue" the setter shouted back trying to keep herself cool but couldn't because she has been feeling tired on being told as a cheater when she knows that she didn't do anything wrong.

Jema couldn't respond because deep inside her heart she knew that her wife has been loyal to her from the start. She never actually did anything to lose her trust. I am Deanna's wife, she loves me but why does it feel like she doesn't. "Because I can feel that you don't love me like you used too"

"So you're going there, huh?" Deanna irritated with what she just heard. "Jema, please give me a little understanding. My situation here is not easy. I'm at the other side of the world far away from you or my family" the setter frustrated on the situation; even though in some ways she understands where her wife is coming from.

Time has been a continuous battle for both and she is also guilty for being the one who exert less in terms of effort keeping the communication open. Her schedule is more jammed that it used to be, being a student, an athlete and having a part time job can really take a lot from a person. They both know that and accepted the situation but getting frustrated is no excuse.

"Love please listen; I love you, yes I get too busy but please understand that I'm doing my best to attend to my needs and your needs as much as I can. Your support and understanding on the situation is a really big help, we've had this fight numerous times let's not argue about this again" Deanna calmly said trying to ease the heated argument they are having.

Jema nodded and started wiping her tears. She flashed her signature smile to her as she looked over the screen. "I'm sorry love, I'll be more understanding. I'll be the best support you'll need and your number one cheerleader as always" she continued.

The couple has settled their argument that night but it never stopped there. After that incident, there misunderstanding became frequent.

"Deanna, you were the one who told me to get busy so that I won't be that clingy partner who likes to check up on you every waking moment of your day" Jema argued.

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