CHAPTER 1: Announcement

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The only sound that was heard at the gymnasium are stumping feet and screaming girls as a tune up match was happening between Creamline Cool Smasher and the ADMU women's volleyball team.

"Open, open, open" Deanna screamed as she sets the ball to Jho.

Jho approaches and hit the ball on its highest peak. The blockers of CCS team were able to establish their position on the left wing causing the ball to return on ADMU side which landed at the middle ending the match.

Players and coaching staffs thanked each other for a successful match. Members of each team started cooling off while others started cleaning up.

After getting freshen up both teams bid their goodbyes.

"Wohhhhoooooo, eating time" Bea chanted as she placed her arms around Jho's shoulder.

"Quit shouting, De Leon" Jho countered as she tries to cover Bea's mouth but failed to do so; other players just started laughing as they watch the 2 seniors banter it out.

The group made their way towards the parking lot when suddenly Ponggay notices that one member of the team missing in action.

Setter Deanna Wong was nowhere to be found. She immediately detached herself away from her teammates and went to the back end of the gymnasium where she parked her car.

Deanna is a friendly yet reserve girl who is admired by many for having killer looks, being a part of the popular volleyball women's team and her natural intellect. The catch is that no one was ever been able to capture her attention.

She is admired not just by men but also by women. A few of the people who tried but failed are the popular basketball start of the rivalry school Ricci Rivero, their former libero Ria Lo, men's volleyball member Ron Medalla and rookie Vanie Gandler.

The setter fished her phone and put is on speed dial "hello love" she happily greet the person on the other side of the line "I'm at the parking lot, about to drive off school. I'll be there in about 30 to 45 minutes" Deanna explained over the phone.

"No" the setter strongly imposed "I'll be there so if you finish early please wait for me" she continued.

"See you love, I love you too" then ended the call.

The setter drives off the campus with a set destination in mind. She made a detour to pick up some snacks knowing that her lover would probably be tired from rehearsals.

"Hi Sir Bong, is my usual spot available?" Deanna asked the guard as she entered the premises.

"Yes, Ma'am Deanna, naibilin na po skin kanina" the guard answered.

Deanna offered him a snack before went to her usual parking spot. Since it's already later there are only a few people in the area. She doesn't want to be recognized which might cause a buzz on social media. Also, it makes going around easy the setter thought.

She approached a corner and turned then saw the sign main hall. A box of wings and milk tea at hand, the setter entered the room and catches a few people on stage huddled in a circle. She noted that she was just in time seeing that the rehearsal is coming to a close.

The small group on stage didn't seem to notice that the athlete has arrived and is now watching them intently or rather staring at her lover who is having a conversation with the other members.

No later than 5 minutes, the group was dismissed. One of the volunteer went straight to where bags are settled and pick up the phone placed on top of a yellow bag pack.

Deanna's phone started ringing catching the attention of the only person left on stage. A huge smile formed at the human's face and looked at the athlete who is now approaching the area.

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