The single part this thing has

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An old tale says that once there was a big war and a lot of people got killed and badly injured. The tale says that there was a hospital full of doctors and nurses. But there was a fact that not many people knew: a pink-haired angel was there to help the hospital.

One day some soliders of the enemy’s army got into the hospital and started to shoot every pacient, doctor and nurse. The angel hid under a table and started to pray. Some minutes later there was silence. No screams, not even the sound of the guns. Scared, the nurse looked qt what was happening. There was a tall, young, blue haired man. In his right arm he had a pair of scrissors and in the left one he had something that he was reading from, it seem like a record, like the other doctors had. He was truly looking like one.

When the strange doctor turned around, the pink angel saw his emotionless eyes; he was surely a demon. He started to walk towards her, and she was scared. The demon got one of his gloves off and lifted his hand on the angel’s face. He had cold hands. While the angel was looking in his creppy eyes, she started to lose the control over her mind and body. Since then is said that they hunt the certain hospital and…

Reporter: are still hunting it now.

Another reporter: scary…

In the front of the old hospital there were two teenegers: a girl and a boy. The girl was holding a camera and the boy was holding a microphone. They were planing to make a jurnal about that hunted hospital.

Reporter: Oh, c’mon Rita! It’s just an old tale, just to scare the people away.

Rita: Ugh….Mike, you know i’m afraid of demons and ghosts and….mostly every creppy thing…

Mike: Keep calm, I’ll protect you.


The two entered into the hospital, the door was heavy so they had to push together to move it.
It didn’t close when they entered so they had to push it again to close it.

They started to walk trough the hallway, the place had shades of green everywhere.
Not too far way there was a green light. Mike started to run towards it. Rita followed him, but she wasn’t as fast, so she got there after Mike.

Rita: Mike...where are you…

Mike: BOO !


Mike jumped at Rita with a skeleton in his arms. It was looking just like a real one.

Rita: MIKE ! YOU...IDIOT ! Maybe it is real...or it makes the demon knows that we are here…

Mike: Keep calm, it is just like the one in our biology lab.It is surely made of plastic. I checked it.

Rita: Ok…

The continued to explore the hospital. It was truley huge. Still, there was nothing else than what a normal hospital would have.

Mike: See there is nothing to fear …

Then, the possesed nurse apeared in front of them.
Nurse: Hi ! I guess that you need some medicine ? Let me give them to you.

Both, shell-shocked, looked at how the nurse prepared her syringe and injected Mike. He died instantly.

Rita: ...M...Mike….

Rita started running, with tears in her eyes. While running, she blamed herself for not taking Mike’s body with her, but that would just make her run slower. When she got to the dead-end of the hall, the nurse was right behind her. She was preparing to inject her too. Rita closed her eyes and prayed.

But the angel didn't kill her. Rita opened her eyes and saw that the angel’s hand was caught by a man, the demon. Just as the story said, he had emotionless eyes.

Rita: I’m done…YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS !

She hit the angel with the camera and got her syringe.

Demon: Hmmm…


She injected the nurse and killed her. She had so much hatred in her. So much that her blue eyes turned red...and emotionless.

Demon: Good girl.

From then on, no one has ever went inside the old hospital again, nor ever heard it’s story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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