"Is that all you girls think about? I'm surprised you two aren't throwing yourselves at the first guy you see," Sam Jennings voiced.

Sam is a freshman in college. He met Nina in het freshman year of high school. He came to her when he needed to tell someone he is gay and she was there for him. His dream job is to become an actor. He was always the lead in the school plays. What can he say, he loves doing what he does best.

"We all can't be like you, Sam." Brooklyn replied. Brooklyn and Kennedy bursted out with laughter. It was true, as much as Sam loved acting, he jumped every guy's bones and flirted constantly. He is a man whore.

"Shots fired! Good one, Brooklyn." Hunter Briggs raised his hand to go in for a high five but Brooklyn rejected.

Hunter is a junior in college. He met Nina in his junior year in high school. He always needed help with work in school and Nina was always there to help him. Hunter doesn't know what he wants to do with his life.

"No offense, Hunter but you're also a man whore." Kennedy said.

"What!? No, I'm not!" Hunter said, sarcastically.

"You tried to hit on me before, remember?" It's true. Hunter tried to hit on Kennedy before. What can he say, he's friendly.

"Maybe once." Kennedy raised her eyebrows. Hunter just smiled. He knew it was a lie. He has done it numerous times.

"Hunter, man. You shouldn't hit on people all the time." Asher Lowe responded.

Asher and Nina shared classes together ever since freshman year but became friends in their senior year. Asher's parents were murdered. Nina helped him through it and ever since he has been loyal to Nina.

"Oh you should be the last one talking, Ash. You saw me get undressed and I know you liked it." Brooklyn said. Asher saw Brooklyn get undressed once. He really likes Brooklyn but she wouldn't go for him.

"Come on, you guys. I really don't need to hear about Ash being Peeping Tom. It's disgusting." Aaliyah Baxter responded.

Aaliyah is Nina's best friend ever since kindergarten. They never separated from each other. They've always been close. Like Levi, Aaliyah is also Nina's biggest supporter. Although, if this was a competition. Aaliyah would be in first place because she will always be there for Nina.

"Actually, Aaliyah. I actually want to hear this. So, tell me, Ash. Was it a fun experience?" Nina said, jokingly.

"Haha, very funny." Asher said, sarcastically.

"Hey, buddy. It's okay. Just remember to hide next time." Levi said, jokingly. They all bursted into laughter. Nina could get use to this. She doesn't know what she would do without her friends.

Levi doesn't notice the other car and crashes into the car. "Are you guys okay?" Levi asked, worriedly. They all respond with a yes.

"What the fuck man?" Billie Chambers exclaimed.

Billie works as a bartender at the local bar in her hometown. Billie is in the forest to get some peace. Her boyfriend was murdered after protecting her in the bar she worked at, after a guy tried to hit on her and he shot her boyfriend. She loved him so much. She use to come into this forest with her boyfriend to camp. Now, she tries her best to hide her feelings. She has more of a don't-give-a-shit attitude. "Why don't you look where the fuck you're going next time?"

"Billie, calm down." Her sister, Violet said.

Violet is way more nicer than Billie. Violet is the one who convinced Billie to come on this trip to get peace. It took a lot of convincing but Billie finally agreed. Violet is three years younger than Billie. Violet use to get along with everyone in their high school while Billie was more of an outcast but she tried her best to include Billie in everything. Billie became happy when she finally found her true love until he died, she went back to her old ways of being an outcast.

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