Chapter 1 Swipe Right

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Sprawled out on Emma's bed as I snuggled up to her adorable puppy, as I patiently waited on her to get ready.

"You know you can't steal him, he is mine" said Emma.

"I can try!" I said laughing, as I scratched his little head the way he loves.

"Emma rolled her eyes the way she always does before she said "Anyway, you'll never guess what I've went and done" she smirked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, I dread the thought of it," I said.

"No don't!" she whined.

"Really? Because the smile you just had there a second ago, has been the front of many bad decisions. What have you done?" I asked dreading the answer.

She unlocks her phone scrolling through her apps till she gets to the one she was looking for. She clicks on it and there is my face on a profile.

I looked at her with a confused face before I asked, "Why did you do that?"

"I can be a good cupid, look you have a few matches. It's been two years now, don't you think you should get back on the horse?" she said.

"No, I'm happy by myself... well that a lie, buy me chocolate and a puppy and then I will be happy" I said replying back sarcastically.

"But just think we could double date? Look just try at it isn't that bad," she said trying to justify her actions.

Un – amused I said, "This is the one time you can't bribe me with food or drink."

"Try it for a week, if you don't like it delete the account." she said.

She had me sold at you can delete the app after a week. I reluctantly took her phone, to figure out how to use the app.

"Okay..." she said as she flopped down beside me on the bed "So swipe left for no and right for yes. If you really like them or the profile then swipe up.

I started swiping it wasn't long before found myself getting bored. Emma then hands me my phone back.

"You're welcome Charlie." Emma sarcastically said.

"For what? Because I know you just didn't buy me food." I said I sarcastically as I sat up on her bed.

If she rolled her eyes anymore I swear they would be rolling at the back of her head.

"No... But I did just download the app on your phone, so again you're welcome Charlie." Emma said as she sat up on the bed with me.

I handed her phone back, as I said, "Okay enough of that let's go watch a movie or get food! Or if not that then let me kidnap your puppy." I said giving her suggestions.

We get up and make our way downstairs.

"Movie yes, food yes we can, kidnap my puppy, no. For starters kidnappers don't ask permission," said Emma.

"So you're saying?" I asked confused.

"I'm saying even if you asked you can't take him." Emma explained as we walked into the living room.

Wagging his tail in excitement Emma bent down to his height as she said, "Isn't that right" in a baby voice as she rubbed her puppy under his chin.

I flopped down on the couch as Emma went through to her kitchen to retrieve the popcorn. We flicked through the different movie options displayed until could come to some sort of an agreement. so at last we found a movie we could agree on, half way in Emma gets her phone out seeing the different options swiping on my profile.

"Oh he's cute!" said Emma quietly.

"May I remind you, you're taken?" I said as I flung popcorn in her direction.

"Yeah, doesn't mean you can't window shop." she said as she ate part of the popcorn that landed on her.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh he's cute, and him... and him..." I could hear ever so faintly as the movie blared.

"Is there any guy you don't think that is cute?" I said laughing to myself and shaking my head.

I then continued to say, "Remember you were supposed to be looking for someone for me. The whole point of setting my profile up was for me."

"I know," she said as she prepared to defend herself, "but everyone needs a backup plan."

Time passed and the film finished so I grabbed my jacket and headed home in my car. From the Atlantic that was outside I leap into the warmth of my bed. I started to flick through the channels like every other night, nothing on - shocker. I snuggled down and into the duvet trying to sleep but all I could seem to do is toss and turn that night.

I reached for my phone scrolling through it as though it was a news article, nothing on Facebook or snapchat. I felt my finger slide over the app pages in the folder until I came across 'cupids' app. I start swiping left... some right, until I came across one. Not my typical guy but at this stage I had nothing lose. I swiped right and it was a match!

I lock my phone only to realise I had a message as I was about to put it down and try to sleep again.

"Hey." typed Ethan.

"Hey, yourself stranger." I typed back.

"Stranger? You'll hardly think that in a week. But anyway how are you? X" he replied back.

"Challenge accepted" I replied back, "restless but good thanks. What about yourself? X"

"Pretty much the same if I'm honest x." he typed back.

"So what brought you on this? X" asked Ethan.

"If I'm honest my friends set this up for me since I haven't dated in two years. What about yourself handsome? X" I replied back.

"Oh so I'm handsome now, I think I like the sound of that darling ;p as for myself I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about really x." replied back Ethan.

I see the dots light up at the bottom of the chat, he was typing again.

"Listen I know this may be forward but I would love to meet up with you? Say next Tuesday? X" I asked hopefully.

I had nothing to lose so I agreed, "Yeah that would be lovely x." I typed back.

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