32. You'll Have To Reach High Expectations

Start from the beginning

"Knock, knock." I hear Embry say from the front door. I groan, getting out of the comfortable couch. I open the door and smile sweetly, yet evilly at him.

"Yes ?"

"I have to talk to you about Kate." he tells me, walking past me.

"Oh just go on. Walk like you own the place." I mutter.

"I can hear you, you know !" he says.

"Damn those supernatural ears !" I swear and he laughs at my word. "So, concerning Kate..."

"She's my imprint." he says and I frown.

"Your... imprint. What's an imprint ?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Really ? Paul didn't say anything about it ?" I remember the time Paul was here at night and snap my fingers.

"Oh, yes he did ! Eternal love, best friend, brother, lover, blablabla." I say until realization hits me. "Kate is all that to... you ?!" I scream like a fan-girl. "Oh my gosh... it's perfect ! She's going to be so happy !" I squeal. "We have to make a plan in which you tell her everything and..." I look at Embry and stop.

He has a guilty face. "You didn't. You didn't tell her everything, proclaimed your love to her and all, without me, did you ?" I say between my teeth, considering at the same time numerous ways to kill him.

"I did tell her everything. That's the problem : she thought I was joking and then, to prove I was right, Ikindoftransformedintoawolfinfrontofher."

"Repeat the last words, please." I say.

"I transformed in front of her." he admits and my eyes widen. "She screamed and ran away. I came to your house because I don't know what to do next."

"Well first, you owe me one." He's about to protest but I cut him off. "I was rooting for you guys since the beginning, you should've done that when I was here. You owe me one." I glare at him.

"Fine." he mumbles.

"Secondly, go see her. Honestly, if a guy told me he was in love with me, I wouldn't believe it. She has to know you're sincere about it."

He nods. "I'll go to her house."

"Add a bouquet of roses, her favorite flower, and a box of chocolate and you're good to go." I add and put my hand on his shoulder. "Dear padawan, it has been an honor being your friend for such a short time. Good luck on your mission." I joke.

"Shut up." he says, pushing my hand off.

Just when I'm about to say something, my phone rings. I take it out of my pocket and freeze when I see the ID. Kate is calling me right now.


"What do I do ?! What do I do ?!" I screech, holding my phone with just the tip of my fingers as if it were a disgusting thing. "It's Kate !"

"Your problem ! I can't do anything !" he says, trying to run away. I grab his shirt to keep him from escaping the house and starts choking.

"I use my favor ! Answer her !" I order, throwing my phone to him. If he lets it fall, I swear he will... He catches it.

"Okay, okay..." he says, accepting the call and putting on the speaker. "Beep ! Hi, I'm not here, but please leave a message after the beep. Beep !" he says in a high pitch voice.

I sigh and hit him in the arm. My voice doesn't sound like that.

"Hum, okay. Hi Alex, it's Kate. I just wanted to talk to you, but I guess I can't... I miss my best friend. Also, I really, really, really, need to talk to you. Call me as soon as you can. Bye." she says in a quiet voice.

I stay silent, not moving. Embry gives me back the phone. "What are you going to do ?" he asks me.

"I guess I have to call her back." I say. I do miss my best friend. My hands shake as I press the 'call back' button.

"Hey." she says, sounding sad.

"Hi, Kate." I whisper. "Listen, I wanted to tell you that Embry and I were friends again, but I didn't want you to feel as if I was betraying you, so I took the choice to say nothing, which was really stupid, but now, I know I should've done that and I feel so stupid and I'm the worst best friend in the whole world and..." I could've talked for a good hour of all I've done wrong but she talked over me.

"ALEX !" she yells and I stop. "Listen to me and stop talking. Embry told me he loves me just a few minutes earlier !" she squeals and I laugh.

"You sound like those girls in movies." I admit and she joins my laughter. "So, how do you feel about that ?"

"I... I am happy that he loves me. Gosh, you know I've loved him since decades ! I'm just scared that it's all just a big joke."

"Kate, I'm sure he's going to show up at your doorstep, sing a love song, throw chocolates and roses in the air and tell you he loves you. Like in those romantic movies you like." I tell her and stare at Embry, mentally telling him to do that.

He makes grimace and I stick my tongue at him.

"Thanks." she pauses. "I miss my best friend."

"Me too."

"Can you come over for a sleepover ? We'll watch some movies and talk boys."

"Sure ! Let's say Saturday night ?"

"Okay. I'll call you later, I kind of need help with some math problem."

"Send me the math problem and I'll send you the answer." I tell her. "Bye !"

She says goodbye and we hang up. I turn around and face Embry.

"You'll have to reach high expectations, buddy."

"I hate you."

"I love me, too." 

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