Chase's Moment of Bliss

Start from the beginning

Trevion: Yo--

He then saw a very beautiful girl with curly hair streaking down her hair to the tips of her shoulders. With pink streaks to complete her look, she smiled brightly at the hulking set of muscles.

Alexis: Hey you must be Kai am I right? I'm Alexis but as you can guess I'm Alexa Bliss at work.

Kai shook her hand as the Goddess was shocked by his smooth touch.

Kai: A pleasure to finally be in the presence of The One True Goddess, and Amanda calls herself God's Greatest Creation.

Alexis blushed slightly.

Alexis: Hey now she's plenty beautiful in her own right.. but I wanted to see where your head is at. How're you feeling being on the main roster?

Kai: Honestly Alexis, I'm stunned that I'm even on the main roster at this point; I signed not even two years when I was twenty; since I've won the NXT Title three times, cleaned NXT Year-End awards with Kairi but I just can't help but feel what if I can't get over with the fans here? From what I heard the WWE crowds are far harder to please than NXT.

Alexis: I can indeed confirm; just look at Rebecca, people were so sick of seeing her being misused so when they finally turned her heel against Ashley the fans were still cheering for both so they kept Ash's character babyface while Rebecca was a far more egotistical face. It wasn't until last month that people started to call her overrated. They have a tendency to pull crap like this so don't be offended Kai.

Kai: Thanks for letting me know; now I what to expect and how to clap-back no matter if I'm a babyface or heel.

Alexis smiled and got up from the bed.

Alexis: It was nice talking to you what did you Hunter call you? Kai-Kai, I'll see you later.

She winked at him before leaving his room and closing the door.

Kai: Well that's new a baddie came to me..

Kai chuckled and zipped up his bags before leaving the hotel for Monday Night Raw. As the show wore on, Alexis, the big guy and Hunter were over going final segments in their interview segment.

Hunter: Alright so Alexis will compliment you talking about your looks, intelligence and in-ring acumen. Then when she asks you whether it's gonna be Raw or SmackDown for you. Then Nia and Tamina are going to crash the interview brag and then Lashley and Lio will come out to confront you Kai. You'll sucker punch Lashley and it'll set up a mixed tag team match next week between Nia and Bobby and you and Alexis while it cements Alexis as a babyface going forward.

Kai: Sounds good let's get moving then.

Gorilla put on Alexis's Spiteful and she did her signature strut and hand motion before making her way to the ring. After playing to the crowd, she would finally introduce Kai who would come out to a Ricochet like entrance before entering the ring, kissing her hand and sitting in a opposite chair from her.

Alexis: Chase.... Destiny.... Are you ready for your Moment of Bliss You've got it all; looks, charisma and a very large...

The fans Oooh'ed as she calmed them down.

Alexis: A very large.... thirst for stealing the show!! But I gotta ask you've dominated wherever you've gone but I got to ask you, where will you land; Is it gonna be Monday Night Raw or SmackDown Live.

Kai: Well it's interesting you ask that Alexa because I---

Suddenly Nia's music hits and with the deafening seas of boos Nia and Tamina came out.

Nia: Really Alexa; you're interviewing a NXT Nobody when I'm the money maker here on Raw!

Alexis: Seriously what is it with people ruining my show?

Kai: Alexa if you don't mind I'd like to interview Nia real quick?

Alexa just shrugged but she lowkey smiled.

Alexis: Go for it Mr. Limit Breaker.

Kai: Ahem AHEMMM sorry that bagel I ate earlier trying to come up in a bad way; Nia Jax and whatever your name is it escapes me but you're not important to be remember... Allow me to reintroduce myself as The Limit Breaker out of St. Louis, Missouri; I weigh in 209 LBS. and stand in at six feet and three inches and I'm a professional jackass in my spare time except to the Goddess. I'm the only Three-Time NXT Champion in WWE History.

Alexis smiled sweetly.


The fans screamed "Broken Limits" in response.

Kai: So Nia you called me an NXT Nobody right? You see when people think of NXT, they think the Four Horsewomen, Shinsuke Nakamura, Johnny Gargano and well Chase Destiny; So again if I'm a nobody how come people are chanting my name? And believe this honey you're only known for two things; botching like a maniac and breaking Becky Lynch's face who happens to be one of my closest friends... Not to mention

In response Bobby Lashley and his manager Lio Rush came out to the defense of Nia and Tamina.

Lio: Now don't get me wrong we ain't come here for Nia and Tamina but I agree with the "Facebreaker" the hell do you think you are?

Kai: Is everyone deaf, I'm Chase Destiny! Are you lost little boy, is that you're long lost daddy? Hey Bobby get that shrimp off the stage or I'll call CPS!

The fans chanted CPS! CPS!

Lio: Oh you think you're really funny don't you?

Alexis and Kai looked at one another.

Kai: Chief called, he said this ain't it; so even though this is my first night, Little Miss Bliss why don't you show me the ropes here on Raw, Nia and Bobby and the two side stooges come on down here and we throw down here in Sacramento, CALIFORNIA!!!

The fans exploded as the heels stood their ground.

Kai: Alright fine; if you won't come down here then Alexa and I will come up there!

The Goddess and Limit Breaker made their way towards the stage area and a brawl ensued between everyone and despite being at a numbers disadvantage, Alexa and Chase drove them off. It was safe on her return to action, Bliss didn't see this honestly coming to begin her Road to WrestleMania.


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