The Incident

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*Rebekah’s. POV*

“ Where would you like to go now, love” I ask Lauren as I was crossing the street, but received no response. “ Lauren?” I turn around, to face her, but she was nowhere in sight. 

I turn back and used my hearing senses to see if I could hear her, but instead all I heard was jazz, cars, and people. At this rate, I don't think I'll ever find her, but if I give up now, then  Klaus would  be furious of me for losing her, so I traced back my footsteps and kept calling out to her.

I stopped by the church and heard someone coughing and a male voice. Taking my chances, I barged into the church. “ Lauren!” I called out to her.

 She had collapse and seemed unwell. The priest who rushed to Lauren, just stood there, watching her. What the  bloody hell? Doesn't he see that she needs medical attention?

As I ran to Lauren, the priest had used his telekinesis to pull me back. I have a strange feeling the priest is the one behind Lauren’s sickness.

“ She’s fine.” The priest says as two other men in suits appear right beside them. 

“ who the bloody hell are you and what did you do to her?” “I demanded.

“ we're angels of heaven and we came here for the Winchester girl and those the beast that she's carrying in her belly.”

“That's a bit harsh to be talking about an unborn child, don't you think?”

“ her unborn ‘child' as you like to call it is not ordinary. It's a monster, an abomination, it's the devil’s  pawn, one that could be deadly to humanity.” One of  the angels says.

“ Lauren was hard to find, but I'm glad we did, because now we could  kill the abomination growing inside of her before the worst comes.” The other angel adds, a blade appearing in his hand.

 The other two angels also carried a similar blade in hand. Their eyes focused on an unconscious Lauren and raised their blade as they closed in on her.

“ I'm afraid I can't let you do that.” I blocked the angel's way and gripped their arm, reversing the direction of the blade, thrusting into their chest. 

Without having enough time to defend himself, the angel in front of me cried out in pain. A strange noise was ringing in my ears as the angel glowed a bright color before finally collapsing down to the floor where the mark of his wings stained the wooden floor.

“ You shouldn't have done that.” The two remaining angels surrounded me. “ now let's see how you'll feel if you have an excessive amount of vervain in your system.”

“And let's say you were dying from a wolf bite also.”

I Suddenly began to feel like if I was dying as my body drop to the floor. Every inch of my body burned just like my body would as if I was injected by vervain. I started to sweat uncontrollably as the thirst of blood over came me. It'll be a matter of time when I start seeing illusions.

I cried out in agony and attempted to get back up to my feet, but failed miserably. 

“We could cure you if and only if you get out of our way.”

“ Over my dead body, love.” I struggled out to say.

“ How about we give you a better deal Rebekah? You get out of our way and mind your own business and we'll make sure to get something you always wanted. a normal life. One where you get to be human, have a stable job, fall in love with the man of your dreams, get married, raise kids and live happily ever after.”

I've thought for a moment whether or not to take the offer. All I ever dreamed of is to be human again and start a family of my own. I'd no on longer have to live as a vampire, a curse that mother and father forced upon me and my brothers. Being a vampire was something I've never wanted to be.

 The sudden burning sensation left my body and I no longer felt the effect of a wolf bite or vervain. I felt like myself again, but I wasn’t sure to feel relieved or not. The angels have me with their full attention.

“ The normal life could be all yours if and only if you let us do what we've come here for.”

 One of the angels offered their hand to me and helped get back on my feet.

I looked over to Lauren's body and realized there was blood all over her stomach. I quickly rushed over to her and pulled her shirt half way up. A strange symbol was carved on her stomach . 

I noticed her hand was being slit and blood escaped from the wound. I didn't know what was happening, but I've heard a strange voice in my ear, telling me what I should do. And so, listening to the voice, I took Lauren’s wounded hand and pressed it against her stomach.

I looked up and saw the angels who seemed they were going to attack, disappear right out of my eyes. I looked right back down to Lauren. The wounds and the sigil on her stomach had vanished and healed completely, and so, I held Lauren in my arms and took her back to  the compound.

I laid her down and explained everything that had happened to my brothers and Freya.

“ Take her to her room and put her in a new set of clothes.  Freya help her and check if everything is fine with her. Elijah and I will do some research on angels and the mark you've just described on Lauren before it vanished.” Klaus instructed.

*Klaus's POV*

“As you wish, brother.” I watch my sisters take Lauren to her room.

 My eyes froze on Lauren as Rebekah began to pull up Lauren’s shirt. Before I could see more of her exposed skin, Freya closed the door completely.

 My thoughts were still on Lauren. I don't know what I would've done if something had happened to her. She doesn't deserve to be chased by angels. Angels who want to kill an innocent unborn child.

“Shall we get started?” Elijah asks, interrupting my thoughts.

“ We may.” I nod and follow Elijah to the work study. 

Elijah looked through the books to see if we could find anything biblical that concerns about angels.

I went on the computer and started researching angels, but out of curiosity, I decided to type in the name of the fallen angel who  is at fault about everything that's happening to Lauren, and the one who is also to blame for her tears, Lucifer.

I clicked on a link and started reading from one article to the next about the fallen angel. When I finally clicked on the sixth article, my eyes froze at the picture that included in the article about Lucifer.

The black and white  image was so beautiful and yet very compelling. The image showed Lucifer standing in pride within his wings spread out and a  glowing halo around his head. The snakes on his halo was a really nice t​​​​​ouch. ( The image klaus found online of Lucifer )
This is the who I'm competing against. I could see why Lauren has fallen for him, the prince of darkness.

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