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This was the worst day of my life, here I was sobbing loudly into Nick fucking Fury like an idiot as he held me and hushed me, trying to get me to calm down and all I could do was sob.

What happened?


It was another mission. Another mission where I'd gone and fucked up. Steve was mad at me, Bruce was mad at me (Not hulk mad but mad), Clint and Natasha kept sharing looks with each other and Agent?....well...Agent kept giving me looks like he knew something.

It sounds stupid but I think he knows.

What could he know?

Well....I'm a little. I know, I know. 'Why's that such a big deal?' well Little's are seen as weak and in need of constant care. I wasn't weak and I sure as hell did not need to be cared for. Nope. No way. Nu-uh.

So back to what was going on and how I fucked up the mission. I'd been shooting a few Hydra agents down, hadn't been paying attention when Steve told me to move away. Didn't see his shield flying towards me till the last second and shot it across the field, that left Steve wide open for an attack and he was hit pretty bad. Not only that apparently the shield had hit a computer with almost all of the information we needed. Clint got distracted by the sparks and got shot in the shoulder, Nat had to drag him out and Bruce...well Bruce hulked out from shock.

It was a massive fuck up, I got two members of the team injured and I could feel myself slipping. Bucky was the one to stop me from flying home, I remember that much. I remember getting out of my suit tot make sure Steve was ok only to feel a pair of arms hook around my stomach and hoist me up. I remember turning and seeing Bucky looking thunderous. He didn't say a word as he dragged me off to the jet. He was the one to drag me through the halls of S.H.I.E.L.D and leave me in Fury's office. If he wasn't so protective I wouldn't be here.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing Stark?!" Fury's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I took note of the vein in his neck bouncing angrily. "Do you have any idea how much data we lost because you just had to ignore orders? I'm sure you felt happy seeing Steve hurt like that too right? Thinking that just because you're not a caregiver or a little means that if anyone gets hurt it's not on you? Well news flash it's all on you!" I had to look away as he yelled, trying not to listen to his words. "Oh can't even face it Stark? What's the matter? The truth too much?" He grabbed my chin and forced my head up. Shit I was losing control. "Well? Talk Stark!" He orders Say something! Say something! Say something! A loud piercing sound echoed through the room and Fury froze, his eye widening as he stared at me. Where was that sound coming from? Why did it sound so scared? Why was my face-oh no.





I was wailing, crying like a little over being yelled at by Nick fucking Fury. Why couldn't I stop? Why did I keep crying even when he let go of my chin. I moved my hands to my face in an attempt to stop it, for some reason thinking if there was no evidence of my break that Fury would suddenly forget it. Obviously that didn't happen.Â


That's how I got here, almost as soon as my hands raised to my face to get rid of my tears I felt strong arms wrap around me and I was being pulled to the floor. "Shit, why didn't you-Tony." He whispers out, holding me close as I sobbed messily into his shirt. "Tony, come on. It's ok." He mumbles, holding me tighter and god this was one of the best hugs I had in a while.

Why'd I have to be a little?

Why couldn't I hide it better?

What if-

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