Chapter one- Prick

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*Contains strong language.*

Gavin was walking to the Detroit Police Department for his morning shift. He was so groggy and tired. He looked around at his surroundings. The clouds were dark grey and it was cold.. He took a deep breath and continued walking. A few minutes passed and he was at the station. He opened the door and walked in. He was greeted by the receptionist Android "Good morning sir." Gavin growled and flipped her off. She looked troubled then looked down. He walked into the main part of the department and placed his stuff at his desk.

He made his way over to the brake room to make his coffee. He liked his silence and small bit of loneliness. After he was done making his coffee he walked over to one of the tables. Tina soon came over with her coffee "Hey Gavin." She said with a welcoming smile. Gavin perked up and smiled "Hey." He didn't smile too much, he always had a resting bitch face. He looked at her and she looked puzzled "You look happy for someone that doesn't like androids..." she said, hoping that he heard the news. Gavin looked at her with a questioning look "What do you mean?" She sighed "Haven't you heard?.." Just then, almost like it was staged Fowler walked out "Gavin! I need to see you!" Gavin furrowed his eyebrows "Shit..." He placed his coffee on the table and huffed. He was pissed and annoyed, having and idea of what it was about. Through the glass of his office he could see a tall android dressed in white and black. It too, looked annoyed as hell.

He stepped up the stairs and into the office. Fowler followed in behind. Gavin glared at the android, knowing exactly what the little "meeting" meant. "I think you know why you're here." Fowler stated. Gavin huffed and shoved his hands in his pockets "Yea, is it because of this piece of trash?" He pointed towards the android. Fowler nodded "Yes. This is Rk900... He will be your partner. He is almost like Rk800 just faster, stronger and.." Gavin rolled his eyes "I don't need this thing! I'm perfectly fine on my own!" He almost shouted. Fowler raised an eyebrow "You take this android as your partner or you loose your job!" He yelled back. Gavin was taken back, his job was the only thing he would get money from. He sighed and nodded "Fucking hell..." he muttered under his breath. He looked up "Fine." He finally said. The android stepped forward, Jesus he was a lot taller then Gavin. He looked up at the towering android. "Hello detective." His voice was clear as day but emotionless. He rolled his eyes and walked out of the office. He walked back to Tina, He was clearly pissed. The android followed behind. He turned back to him "Go to my desk! Don't follow me around." He shoved his hands in his pockets again. The android's led flashed yellow. He nodded and walked back to the desk. He turned to Tina "Jesus Christ." He muttered. She had a small sympathetic look on her face. She looked at him "Just try and get along, that's all.." she dipped her head and scurried out of the brake room.

Gavin sighed and walked back to his desk. The android already pulled a chair to the side of the desk and something was different... his desk was organized. That quick? He glared at him, about to insult the android. He walked over "Hey, you Plastic piece of garbage! You don't touch my stuff!" He yelled. The android looked at him "Well I was just trying to be "useful". " did this thing just use sarcasm? He went in to punch him. The android grabbed his fist. Gavin tried to move fast and try to punch him again. He grabbed his other hand and quickly turned him around, he put his arms on his back and pushed him to the desk. He was basically on top of the smaller detective. Gavin yelped out in pain. He was taken back by the androids action "I'm sorry detective,  you almost damaged me." He lied. He leaned down to his ear "Just corporate, we are partners." He let go, Gavin fell to the ground from the desk. The android known as 'Nines' glared at him and pulled down his sleeves. Gavin looked up at the android with a astonished look. What the hell did he get himself into?


Hey y'all, some of you might notice this has a resemblance to my old one. I'm rewriting this story because I kind of updated my writing style. I hope you enjoyed this kickoff at least?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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