Chapter 2

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As tatsuya was about to ask us a question. We were greeted by the topper of our magical high school, shiba miyuki. It is a rumor that she had an outstanding magical power which helped to score rank 1 in practical. And she is the Madonna among the first years and her beauty is so alluring which can allow a war to happen among her classmates. well who knows, compared to my sealed magical abilities, there is no way anyone can defeat me. My goal is different and i don't want my friends to get involved in my personal problems, due to that i never told them about my past. they are aware of my apprenticeship with Sage Jiraya, but my past with Konoha is mine to handle.

Back to present:

miyuki asked : Oni sama can i join you or lunch?

That came as a surprise for me. I never once imagined that they were siblings. i almost sprinkled my drinks over erika face. seeing my reaction, everyone sitting with me suddenly looked at me like i have commited a crime. In My Defense I said:

Hey. I didn't know that she is his sister. They don't look like one. And moreover, I don't see any similarities in them. Its more like they are polar opposites of each other.

To my support, mizuki said: you think so. I feel like they both share the same type of aura.

That hit the nook. everyone was looking at her especially tatsuya. she must be born with a magical sight, unlike me who had a doujutsu (Pure Eyes). It is similar to Elemental Sight, however it has more complex features even i don't understand sometimes.

As Naruto witnessed the group of A class coming here. Naruto said: it was fun meeting with you guys. Satomi i think we should visit Kazuto and tease him a bit.

Understanding the meaning of my statement, he said: Okay, but don't overdo it. He might end up pranking you. Just like last time. And don't do those antics against Asuna. She might kill you for it.

I said: Don't worry. I don't do it to everyone. She is his girlfriend and i will use it on the president of student council.

As i said it, everyone started wondering what am i talking about. However, as we left they all realised the reason of why we left. We witnessed how Tatsuya excused himself for already finishing his lunch. As the bunch was following his sister. Everyone realized the sneaky way we used to get away from these mobs.

Kirito POV

For the first time in my life, i am having a lunch date with Asuna in real life. it was a very precious moments of my life as we are having a good interaction regarding our lives, likes and preferences. However these two started to come to me and disturb me. Satomi was fine sitting quietly, but my friend Naruto is not the same. He started to introduce himself without paying my regards however, when i stopped him from coming close to asuna, since he has mastered that perverted technique of Sage Jiraiya. 

I said: Naruto don't dare to use that perverted trick on Asuna. Asuna was surprised with that and asked me clearly regarding the details. when i told asuna regarding the technique he mastered from sage, she was clearly disgusted that legendary Sage was more of a pervert than she had imagined. however Naruto assured her that he wont use it on her, asuna give him a deadly look to him. As naruto talked to us, he also introduced Satomi to her. well, looking at satomi, she considered him normal, however when naruto asked her why everyone i class so depressed even becoming the student of first high school of japan magic association. 

She gave us a heavy look. After that all the girls focus were on us. When Naruto asked why the mood is so bad, a girl with purple hair along with a girl with glass introduced them and told us their name. Their name was Konno Yuuki and Asada Shino. they told Naruto about the in discrimination of student regarding their course and their training session. Naruto and I was surprised at how low course 2 students are treated.

Hearing this naruto said: I will do something about our training. Don't worry i will make sure that your talents will not die. All girls were surprised at Naruto Statement. mostly this class only had very less students and besides us three boys all of them are girls. However, Asuna said: we tried it but president will not change the rules and told us to follow them. She said it will disrupt the order of power balance.

However Naruto didn't waver and firmly said: Don't worry if school will not give us permission then we will manage an alternate route to solve our problem. Trust me, when i say i will make it happen, i will make it happen. 

He asked me: Kirito how much progress have you made in your AR research. I was surprised at his question, but soon i realised that he is planning to make these girls the beta testers for Augma. Of Course, in AR, reality can be changed along with enviroment. and if i can adjust the setting then we can practice magic without making any real enhancements and disturbance, since it will look like a game.

I said: It is in final stage. But we need to conduct some test on its function. Since AR is not well received by magicians but by the commoners who are more interested in playing games.

Looking at my responses girls became surprised when word game is spoken. Even Asada and Yuuki looked like we are doing some joke. But among them, one said: So reality enhancement tech since we are forbidden to use magic in school, however if it is in a game like setting we can actually practice our magic but also enhance our physical capabilities. 

That hit me, there was actually a girl who can understand the logic of our spoken words. I said: yes it is as you said. However we need school permission to use it. Everyone stared to have  glint of hope. These girls must have been bullied for their course, however with this they might actually have a chance. 

Naruto said: then leave to me, i will make mayumi bend to my will so she will have no choice but to accept it. Everyone was confused what naruto meant by that statement.

However with this all the girls of class had got the hope. To them Kirito is a hero to provide such technology to them. Satomi is a cool idiot and Naruto is the beast of pervertness. However that is a story to known later after what naruto did to mayumi.

To be continued......

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