Chapter 31: Midnight

Start from the beginning

From the spa, Donna chuckled, smirking to herself, as she said to him, "I bet you say that to all the girls. Especially Iris."

The Doctor looked confused as he asked, "What do you say that for? And come on. They're boarding now. It's no fun if you're not there. Four hours, that's all it takes."

Donna sighed as she said, "No, that's four hours there and four hours back. That's like a school trip. Besides, you have Iris. Go enjoy your date."

The Doctor blushed, but luckily for him, Iris hadn't seen it, nor paid attention to his flustered emotions via their bond, as she looked around them in wonder. He quickly caught himself and gave up trying to persuade the red-haired companion as he said,

"All right, I give up. We'll be back for dinner. We'll try that anti-gravity restaurant. With bibs."

Now that, caught Iris' attention as she quickly glared at him. She knew that he knew that she hated those things. One thing as her Time Lady self visibly shuttered at the fashion failure that bibs created.

He could hear Donna snicker as she said, "I don't know. Maybe I should leave that to you aliens."

But before the Doctor could retaliate, Donna quickly ended the phone call. Iris looked over at him as she saw that his phone call with Donna finally ended. She unfurled her arms from herself as she heard him say,

"Shall we? And besides, what could possibly go wrong?"

The Time Lady quickly smacked the back of the Doctor's head as she hissed out, "Don't jinx it! I don't need something to happen today. You promised. A relaxing trip."

The Doctor looked down at her as he said, "But you already know what happens. You said so earlier."

Iris glared at him, stating, "A very miniscule part of me is hoping that you listen to me today. But then again, could I possibly stop you?"

The Doctor smirked at that, wiggling his eyebrows before helping her board. They took their seats, making sure to put the belts on. Iris hummed a tune as she tried calming her nerves when the hostess came up to them and stated, while passing items out to them,

"That's the headphones for channels one to 36. Modem link for 3D vidgames, complimentary earplugs, complimentary slippers..."

And as she continued listing off all the complimentary items to them, the Doctor handed her all the things. Iris had the strong urge to toss the peanuts out of the entire vehicle but kept it down. As much as she was addicted to strawberries in this body, peanuts was one thing that she would eradicate from existence if she could.

Seeing her frown disgustedly at the peanuts, the Doctor pat her head as he took it from her again. He understood that she was still going through things she liked and disliked in her Time Lady body. Besides, Time Lords and Ladies were a very picky race when it came to tastes.

Both of them paid attention to the hostess again as she said, "Enjoy your trip."

The Doctor's smile widened as he responded with, "Oh, I can't wait. Allonsy."

The woman looked thoroughly confused as she asked, "I'm sorry?"

Iris smiled apologetically as she added, "It's French for 'let's go.' Sorry, he can be overly excited about trips like this."

The Hostess gave them a warm smile, thinking that they were a weird, but adorable couple as she merely said, "Fascinating."

As Iris was putting away all of the complimentary items, the Doctor was silently listening and observing their surroundings as they heard an elderly man state,

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