Hermione hops up and starts to look into her closet

Hermione: can you leave while I get dressed

*Draco shakes his head as he walks out with his hands in his pocket and walks out*

Why am I blushing..Why do I feel butterflies when I saw him..uggh.. Hermione pull yourself together..Malfoy still thinks your a filthy mudblood this is all a deal don't let your guard down

Hermione finds a casual outfit to put on.. a casual khakis pants and black belt with a blue long t-shirt and dark purple sweatshirt with dark pink stripes and white converse..Hermione's hair was half up half down style and had a light orange satchel That had a G on the front

Hermione looks into the mirror and she shakes her head yes

Hermione: This seems casual

Then outta nowhere Hermione hears someone say

Draco: you look good

Hermione starts to blush but quickly stops not wanting to show Draco any signs of weakness

*Draco looks up at the clock hanging on the wall*

Draco holds out his hand

Draco: Come on Hermione let's go

He just called me Hermione..Not gonna drive any attention to it

Hermione walks up and takes his hand as they walk out to see Harry and Ginny already heading to the party

*Couple minutes later*

When Hermione and Draco make it to the front door Hermione pulls out a hair clip and tries to put her hair up in a ponytail

Draco: What are you doing no

Hermione: huh

Draco: give me this

Draco grabs the blue hair clip that was shaped like a butterfly with rhinestone

Hermione: Draco What are you doing..give me that back

Draco puts the clip into his pocket then zips up his pocket

Draco: I am keeping it..I like your hair down

Draco smirks at Hermione

Draco: you look pretty

Draco pulls out a necklace that said D ❤️ H he walks behind Hermione

Draco: lift you hair up

Hermione for once didn't question his command she just lifted her hair and he puts the necklace over her neck she looks at it

I am speechless..it's beautiful


Hermione looks at Draco

Hermione: do you have a necklace

Draco hold up his arm to see a wristband that was green and the D was orange the ❤️ was red and the H was orange..It was amazing


Draco lifts his hand up as Hermione opens her and there was a smack before he takes Hermione's hand and says

Draco: Leggo

Hermione was a little hesitant

Hermione: maybe we should just

Draco: Come on granger

Draco and Hermione walk into the party and everyone turns there heads to look at them and most of the Gryffindor and Slytherin were greeting Draco giving him high fives..treating Draco with celebrity respect except for Ron and Harry Cho started whispering to Romilda as Goyle, Blaise, Fred & George was playing with some of Fred & George toys like popper that pop when you throw them on the ground Causing the game to be more fun while

To all the boys I've loved before (Harry Potter version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora