Chinese Firebolt

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Hedda's POV

Hogwarts, 4 September 1994,
a few weeks before The actual Triwizard Championship started,

"Hedda, C'mere! I got something to show you!" Charlie said as he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled my arm gently. 

"Charlie, She's a girl," Bill warned.

"Where are you taking me?" I said as I tried to match up with Charlie's pace.

"I am gonna show you the beauty of a beast," He said excitedly. It must be about Dragon. He must've brought those dragons he bragged about last summer.

"Charlie," I called out as I stopped behind him when he suddenly stopped in front of me. We were in the middle of the forbidden forest, where a big dragon stable was built to contain all of those beasts brought from Charlie's workplace in Romania.

"I wanna introduce you to someone, He'll be making an appearance on the Triwizard Championship. He came all the way from Asia," Charlie pulled me to hide behind the bushes. He pointed at a red furious dragon.

"Really? Dragons?" I looked at both Charlie and Bill both with a confused look.

"Dragons," Charlie nodded.

"What species is that red one?" I said pointing at the dragon.

The red-coloured dragon kept on firing a flaming mushroom-shaped fire out of its nostrils wildly to the air, showing that it was really angry because they put chains all over its neck, legs and snout

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The red-coloured dragon kept on firing a flaming mushroom-shaped fire out of its nostrils wildly to the air, showing that it was really angry because they put chains all over its neck, legs and snout. He has a slew of golden spikes on the periphery of its snub-snouted face, it looked like a lion for a moment. A humongous fire-breathing mix-breed of a Lion and a Dragon. His face looked similar to a lion. His eyes were filled with fury.

"Come closer," He pulled me closer to the dragon right when it fired its flame and torched my left arm.

"Charlie," I screamed and cried. 

Charlie pushed me away from the dragon before it fried me alive. He then wrangled the dragon and put it into the fire-proof cage before glamouring it so no one could see what had just barbequed my arm.

Bill pulled me out of the dragon's sight and ran me to the hospital wing. "Please stay with me," Bill said.

"Bill, I'm alive. He only barbecued my left arm," I said weakly with tears filling my eyes.

"You were in trouble and yet you still threw a joke on your roasted arm?" Bill said as he looked at me. "That must be very painful."

"I can't feel my arm," I said as dark shades started filling my sight. 

"No," Bill ran to the hospital wing. 


Bill's POV

"What happened?" Hermione ran to us as we reached the hospital wing.

"Charlie took her to see the dragons up close. and she got roasted by the Chinese Fireball," I looked down on my toes after setting her on the bed.

"Good thing you brought her on time, Mr Weasley," Madam Pomfrey said as she visited her bed. "I'll try my best."

"Perhaps you and Charlie can stop taking her outside to Merlin knows where to have some fun with Charlie's pets," Ginny said as she winced upon seeing Madam Pomfrey tending her wounds.

"I'm sorry, Gin," I said. as soon as I closed my mouth, the door opened and it revealed the fair-skinned, blushy cheeks, tall boy rushing to Hedda's bed.

"Granger, what happened to Hedda?" Here came Cedric Diggory. 

"Apparently, Diggory, Hedda's arm had been roasted," Hermione glared at me.

"What?" I looked back at her. "She went to a Dragon Stable at the forbidden forest and one of the dragon spits fire on her arm," I said.

"Hedda, I'm here," Cedric said as he kneeled by the bedside and held Hedda's hand. I couldn't help but curl my fist against my coat's pocket. 

Am I jealous? I don't actually know about this. All I knew I don't like the fact that they were that close and everyone admitted that Diggory and Hedda looked good together.

"I hope this thing would never happen again to any of the students, Auror Weasley. This is the first and the last time," Madam Pomfrey said as she applied the ointment to Hedda's arm. 

"Yes, Ma'am," I nodded.

"Oh Bill, now I could say this back at you. You're supposed to take care of her," Fred said as he glared at me. "And you let her being toasted by a dragon Charlie raised," He sneered at me.

"Hey, Freddie, someone wanted to see you," George called out.

"Hey, Weasley, I'll come back to see her after dinner, If I may," Cedric said.

"Of course you may, Diggory. She seemed peaceful when you're around," George grinned.

Fred came closer to replace Cedric's place. Hedda did have a special place in Fred and George's heart. She was as close as being their sister. From what I heard from Mum and Dad, Hedda quickly befriended the twins as soon as they rescued her from the Dursley's two years ago. Last year, the trio had pulled a huge prank over the Slytherins during the sorting feast. They turned The Slytherins into having red and gold hair for one day, and Blue and bronze for another day. It was just hilarious.

"Heddie," Fred cooed as he came closer to hold Hedda's unharmed hand.

"Freddie, it's okay. It's just a burn. It will heal," She grinned. "You know I wouldn't leave out having fun with you and Georgie, right?" She grinned.

I slowly retreated my steps and walked to the courtyard, I sat at one of the stone benches and fiddled with my wand. I need to confess. I need to tell her what I had been hiding all this time, that I had fallen for her. I needed to man up and tell her before Cedric Diggory got her. 


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