As I walked in where Freya was, a girl left. I walked up to Freya.

"What was that about?"

Freya looked over at me.

"It was nothing."

"You sure?"

"Positive. What are you doing up? Aren't you supposed to be resting?"

"Yeah, but whatever Kol doesn't know won't hurt him."

"How did this happen to you?"

"Not sure, but it's not something I really want to talk about. I just feel like I'm going crazy again. The last time I felt crazy is when I had those hallucinations about Mikael, which I still don't have answers for. It can't be the Hunter's Curse. I've never killed a vampire hunter."

"Well, I'm not so sure either."

"Then what are you thinking?"

"I think it has something to do with your past."

"My past? What does my pa-"

"I'm afraid this conversation is going to have to wait. Niklaus needs my help. Something is wrong."

Freya held up her phone and I saw a text from Niklaus saying:

"Need to talk."


"Tell me again what happened at this ritual?"

"I fought evil and I saved children. I should be given a medal. Instead, I've been infected by some depraved ghost."

"Well I know purging spells, and cleansing rituals, so I can fix this. In the meantime, have you considered you aren't the only one infected?"

"Marcel was exposed as well."

"In your visions, our father's goading you to kill your enemy. If Marcel is seeing something similar..."

"Then we're all on the chopping block."

"I'm sorry, Niklaus is seeing visions of Mikael? So, I'm not alone on this?"

"The thing is I don't think you two have the same situation when it comes to seeing Mikael. Niklaus sees him because I think it's the Hollow, but you... It's something else."

"We have to worry about what the Hollow can do....and now we also have to worry about Sommer's inner demons."

"I have to purify you both, you and Marcel-"

"No! Not yet." Niklaus quickly said. "If the Hollow can look into me, then I can look into it. I can find out what it is, what it wants."

Freya looked down and shook her head.

"It's too dangerous, Klaus."

"This thing came after Winter!"

"Fine. I'll give you an hour and something else..."

Freya reached down at the table and picked up a dagger like sword. I haven't seen that before.

"The means to kill the unkillable king of New Orleans."

I backed up a little as Freya walked up to Niklaus.

"If Marcel comes after you, use this. Oh, your mad I kept a secret from you. Fine. Chastise me once you've made it through the day."

Freya handed him the dagger and Niklaus took it from her and quickly walked away.

"Freya, if that can kill Marcel... Then most likely that dagger can kill me. Marcel and I are the same monster."

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