The train

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Your bio:

Your an amazing shot, people from all over the place at least know what you look like. Your no legend or hero, but your a damn good soldier, one that's definitely remembered wherever he goes...

 Your no legend or hero, but your a damn good soldier, one that's definitely remembered wherever he goes

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What you usually wear. (Just picture the hood down, and no gas masks or anything)

Y/n POV:

A few months earlier...

You sat on your bed inside your normal rusty shack drinking away and looking out your window. It wasn't much was home, for now anyways. After awhile You picked up your notebook and we're about to continue where you left off of on the sketch you were making earlier. But before you could even grab a pen you heard a screech come from your radio that screamed into your ears.

Y/n:agh! Jesus!

You grabbed the radio and tried to turn it off, but before you could the screeching stoped and a voice came through.

???:y/n? Y/n come on i know your there!

You tried to ignore it but-

???:I'm not gonna stop talking till you answer!....fine! Y/n y/n y/n y/n-

He continued to rant on your name until you finally gave in.

Y/n:alright!!! Jesus....what do you want rush?


Y/n:I'm sorry what?!

Rush:you heard me, my chief of security's been greatly injured and we can't continue without a replacement. Come on y/n your one of the best shots I know, and your great when it comes to leading and security!

Y/n:that was years ago!

Rush:who says you've changed?

Y/n:me! I've barely touched a gun. In two years!

Rush:ah yah you wanted to put all that stuff behind you huh? All that crazy shit you and me pulled?

You sighed

Rush:we helped hundreds- THOUSANDS of people y/n, you can't just turn your back on this!

Y/n:yes I can...and I will, now please just....leave me alone.

You were about to put your radio down but rush had one more thing to say.

Rush:you said you owed me big time right?

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the radio again.

Y/n:of course I do but-

Rush:then take this as a last favor! Help me get these settlements back on there feet! Help me build a new America then after that I won't EVER bother you again.

You sighed again and scratched your eyes.

Y/n:this is gonna be the last one got it?

Rush:loud and clear!

Y/n:so where do I need to go?

Rush:oh don't worry about that, we're coming to you.

Just as he said that you herd a train whistle off in the distance.



After a few hours you managed to get on the train with a duffle bag full of some of your stuff. You passed through a few cars and noticed that this essentially a train, it was more of a base! There was food, weapons hundreds of people and specialists.


You looked to your left and saw rush walking towards you.

Y/n:well...damn! Hot damn your ready for war!

Rush:I don't know about that but...meh it's a start.

Y/n:right then...I'll just take my stuff with me where I go. Don't got much in here anyways.

He nodded and gestured for you to follow him, he then lead you to an open map of he entire country.

Rush:we start here...then we slowly work our way up. We've got a long way to go.

You grabbed your knife and slammed it on the table.

Y/n:then let's get to work!

Present day...

Some girl from a far away town needed our help, WAY up north. All the way up in Montana, hope county they called it. judging by the fact that that little town was hit the worst by the bombs causing massive amounts of radiation leaks AND this group of scavengers and criminals called the "highwaymen" running ramped throughout the valley taking what ever they could and killing whoever got in there way well...let's just say you dint have your hopes up.

But this girl did, calls herself Carmina rye. She somehow had hope through all of this, you got her name due to all the story's she would tell about her home. Some to kids, others to grownups but she always introduced herself first. As for you? had gotten a few glimpses of her and she managed to take a good look at you few times, But the two of you rarely ever spoke to each other.

Y/n:(I'm mind) if she can have hope through all of this then I sure as hell can.

You were in the back telling your story to a few random people when you heard a loud voice scream-


Suddenly and explosion sent you flying around the train car, and before you could even comprehend what was happening a piece of metal knocked you out leavening you in darkness....

Y/n:(in mind) who knows? This might actually work out after all.

The new dawn (Carmina rye x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now