Chapter 46... ok now what?

Start from the beginning

We all sat back and we're watching another movie. Dani had curled up with her mom on the couch and was now sleeping.

" Chase can you bring her down to her bedroom.?" Dad asked

"yeah" I went over, scooped her up and started carrying her down. It's been awhile since I've been this close to her. Then I remember the last time. I guess I might of messed up. I go and set her down.

"No don't go" she whispers out, her eyes still closed. I go ahead and sit down next to her. I put her head on my lap, I start rubbing her head. Alex comes in and looks at me.

" Can you get me her phone, it's upstairs on the counter? " I ask him. He nods and leaves. Alex and I haven't been really talking. Unless it's about Nicky, we're still around each other all the time. He blames me for what happened with Dani. Maybe it is my fault.

"Here" Alex hands me the phone.

"Thanks" I take it and look up Jase's number. Alex watches me. I go ahead and call him.


"uhh no it's Chase, you might want to get dropped off. Dani already passed out and even if she did wake up I don't think she should be driving. " I tell him, god this is weird.

"What happened to her?" Jase asks sounding pissed.

"I will tell you when you get here, she might want clothes for tomorrow, I'm assuming you're spending the night. "

"I will be there in a few." He says and hangs up.

I turned the tv on in her room and then got out to wait by the door. This was not the night I was expecting. Alex comes out and sits next to me. We talk about everything thats going on this weekend and what happened at my mom's.

"Hey" I say as Jase walks up. Jase nods at me.

" We just found out her mom is sick, I know she will want to tell you the rest." I say and take my hands out of my pocket. I go ahead and open the door. "You know where her room is?"


I go ahead and go upstairs, while he goes down. He takes over where I should be.

◇◆◆◆◆◇◆◆◆◆◇ Dani's point of view◇◆◆◆◇

I feel someone pick me up and start undressing me. "Jase" I say all groggily. He pulls my shirt and bra off. I go to lay back down, he pulls me back up and puts another shirt on me. He climbs in next to me, kisses my forehead and holds on to me.

I wake up the next morning and look up to Jase sleeping next to me. Then I realize I'm not home. I sit up and wake up Jase. He pulls me back down. I fall back to sleep.

I wake up again and it's to Jase touching me. I look up at him and he smiles at me. I feel tingles as he glides his fingers up and down my arms.

"Let's go get breakfast, it's too late for school. " Jase says. I nod and get up. I then stop.

"I don't have clothes"

"Yeah in the bag in the bathroom." Jase sits back down on the bed and starts playing on his phone. I go ahead and take a shower.

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