Chapter 31. Brody

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Brody ♧♧♧
♡♥♡♡♥♥ Song of the chapter is party in the USA by miley Cyrus

I changed who I see as Brody again... Tell me what you think..

I nod to what he says and pack a bag. I look around my room, go to pack my Ipad, couple extra shoes. I pack my straightener and blow dryer. I grab all my personal stuff. You know make up, jewelry, and other girl stuff.

"I will bring you to the mall tomorrow if you need more stuff. I got our whole week planned out!" he gives me a wink and grabs my bag.

"The whole week?"

"Well I'm assuming things didn't get better since your leaving and this looks like more than one day... Don't worry we can talk about it later." I follow him upstairs and I see Nicky at the tv. He runs over and gives me a hug. My mom comes over and gives me a hug.

" Mom this is Brody, I'm staying at his house this week." I tell her looking down. I feel so drained. I hand her my car keys in case they need to move the suv. Since I'm not bringing it and as of this moment it doesn't feel right taking it. I kinda don't know if I'm coming back. Well I know I'm not ready to tell my mom that I'm pretty sure that once I walk out the door I'm not planning on coming back for a long while.

" Hey Brody nice to see you again, you take care of my girl." She pulls him in for a hug and goes back to the kitchen. I start thinking she doesn't seem that upset or controlling about me leaving. Something's up, I just don't think I'm ready to think about it.

With that we head out to his hummer. He throws my bags in the back and takes off. It's not that long of a drive to his place, when we pull into his driveway. Everyone is there already.

I follow him in and he places my stuff in his room and grabs his swim shorts. I look around his room, it's huge. The bed is against the wall and there's a bathroom with a walk in closet. He has a couch set up in front of a flat screen with video games. A mini fridge next to the couch.

"Get changed, I will wait for you in the hallway. "

I grab my bikini out of my bag and realize I didn't pack it. I guess I'm really going along with what Brody says without thinking about it. I throw all my stuff in his closet and put my swim suit on.

I come out and see him next to the door. The boy is rock hard. He smiles at me and puts his arm around my shoulder. He leads to the back yard where everyone is already in the pool.

" Are you ready to have some fun?" Brody says as he gives me a quick push in the pool.

As I surface up in the pool, everyone's laughing. I give a smile and push my hair back. I look around and see Brody setting up a net. I push all my crappy feelings down. I'm determined not to make everyone else miserable. I can pretend to be happy.

Natalie, Renee, and Toren swim over to me. I smile at them, amazed that I hardly know these girls and feel like their becoming good friends. They became friends with me while I'm hurting and that means something.

"So Brody is either playing knight in shiny armor or he might be crushing alittle? " Renee says.

"Nah he's playing knight, she was friend's with Tyler. He's best friends with Tyler and if your friends with Tyler your in our little group." Toren says pulling her shades up.

" Well I hope so, cause I feel like he just adopted me. " I say laughing. thinking about how he packed almost everything in my room.

" Yeah he has a way of smothering you, well If you let him. Have you met his twin Jase?" Natalie asks.

" No, I have not seen him at all. He has a twin?" I ask. I've known Brody for a couple weeks. I just didn't know him really well. He just came over every time Tyler showed up. Still feeling a little shocked that no one's mentioned a twin.

"Yeah, he's a real bad ass. He will be here later. He's a completely different personality." Natalie says.

"Brody's parents are never around so it's just the two of them all the time. Their really not that different. Brody plays soccer while Jase is on the football team. It's just their in two different crowds is all. Their identical except for Jase has a few tattoos and he is more laid back jeans and tshirts." Toren says.

Tyler comes and sits on the side of the pool with a beer and hands us all one.I take a sip of my beer and start to relax. I decide I'm going to call my dad later. Maybe I can at least change that. I don't know what I'm going to do at the end of this week.

I set my beer down and look at Tyler. He hasn't climbed in yet. He still has his sunglasses on. I go closer to him and act like I'm going to give him a hug. He smiles at me and I give him a quick yank into the pool.

"After everything we have been thru." Tyler says as he surfaces the water. I just start laughing as I realize he saved his beer.

" So it's going to be guys verses girls in pool volleyball, so drink up, so you won't be so sad when you lose Renee!" Brody says as the rest of the guys follow him into the pool.

Tyler gives me a look as he throws his wet hair back. I just smile back at him as I join the rest of the girls that are laughing in our direction.

♡♥♡♡♥♥ ¤¤¤¤

After a couple of games we all go down to the game room, while Brody starts ordering the pizza. Tyler turns on the TV and goes thru Netflix. I grab a seat on the couch as the rest of the group couples up. That's when I notice Natalie staring at Tyler. She sits down next to me.

"That's my Thunder Buddy!!" Brody screams out as he comes in and jumps over the couch in between us. He wraps his arms around me, as I'm laughing at him.

I pull Natalie in next to me. Getting comfortable in a weird position. I look up at the tv and notice Tyler has chosen the movie It.

Stephen Kings It. He's going old school on us. I look at him and he starts laughing. He takes a seat on the floor, in front of us. As the movie starts, Brody whispers to me " I have a fear of clowns."

"Is that what this movie is about?" I ask him. He pulls me onto his lap and takes my spot. He nods at Tyler and he gets off the floor and sits next to Natalie. I wonder if he moved me onto his lap as a way to help out his bro get closer to the girl more than he is supposedly scared of clowns. I watch as how Tyler looks over at Natalie and just as she looks his way he turns his head and See's me smirking at him.

"I can only help one girl at a time and I'm about to be that girl." He whispers to me when I finally look up at him. I start laughing at him. He throws a blanket over us so just our faces are sticking out and moves around alittle.

" Get ready this movie is like three hours long. " I tell him as I rest the back of my head against his chest and pull my legs up to cross and my feet slide under his thighs. I might be a little double jointed.

****have you guys ever seen It?

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