She flinched at him, but Steve chose to ignore it, focusing on his goal. His goal was of course to get the girl to safety. And far, far away from this man. "Hey, it's okay. That's my friend. Me and her are gunna help you, okay?" The asthmatic said to her calmly, kneeling next to her. When she didn't make any hints of listening to him, Steve opted for whispering smoothing words to her instead.

Backing up to the moment Bucky was hit however, the abuser shouted, "Are all you cunts the same? You just can't fuckin' listen!" The brunette rubbed her teeth together, noticing he knocked one a bit loose and dodged a kick from her attacker, rising to her feet to get into a proper fighting stance.

"Funny how your insultin' the only thing you like about us, huh?" Bucky retorted, ready to contend. She spit out the small pool of blood that was forming in her mouth at him. "Fellas like you make me disappointed to even breath the same air, what makes you people think hittin' women is okay?" She continued angrily, a bit of red leaking out of her mouth.

The male actually had the nerve to laugh right then, adding gasoline to the raging fire in Bucky's stomach. "That's a lot of talk for a walkin' object. The Bible says God created women for men, therefore yer only here for our enjoyment!" He took a swing at Bucky, which promptly connected to her chin.

Tears formed in her eyes, but she punched him back. He clutched his stomach in agony, leaning over subtly. Bucky used the opportunity to knee the man's face, sending him to the ground.

Rolling over, his hands flew to his throbbing forehead. Again, seeing the chance, Bucky kicked him right between his legs. He howled in pain, nearly biting his own tongue off. Instead of walking it off, he chose smartly and decided to stay on the ground to squirm in pain.

"Assuming you have one - why don't ya try thinkin' with your upstairs brain, jackass," Bucky commented, her eyes raking over the sorry excuse for a man. Just when she was about to go join Steve and the girl, she instead knelt down next to the pimply boy's face for one last statement.

With their faces now inches way, Bucky whispered threateningly, "And if you ever lay your hands on another girl again - and I promise that I'll find out - I will hunt you down and cut off your cock." Without another word, she rose to her feet and stumbled away from the fallen man with a faint trance of shame in her expression.

Then the brunette looked up at Steve feverishly - which Steve didn't even have the slightest clue why - before she hurried around the corner again, uncharacteristically leaving Steve. "...Buck? Wait! Bucky!

But she didn't wait, nor did she come back.

Directing his attention back to the girl, which during the fight he learned was named Darla, he once again asked her to stand up. This time however, a bit more forceful, sprinkles of panic joined his tone as well - obviously because of Bucky's abrupt disappearing act. Steve felt bad when she flinched at his voice, but when she stood up with him it was quickly forgotten.

They stared at each other for a moment and a flare of anger pooled in Steve's tummy when he realized her curious expression was because she was in awe that he was so short. He can't blame her for not noticing until now but, dammit doesn't she understand that it's rude?

"If this happens again, you have to get help okay? Whatever he's said to you isn't true," Steve kept his tone calm, hoping to stress his point. Thankfully Darla nodded and muttered gingerly, "Thank you."

Steve nodded back at her with a small smile paying at his lips before turning to face the teenager still writhing on the ground. His lips dropped, and a sickening scowl formed on his face.

"And you better stay the hell away from her. Don't think my friend will break her promise." Steve intended to find Bucky right after he said that but he deferred the thought and instead made sure Darla left - knowing there was still a possibility she'd return to the abusive man with open arms.

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