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Hail and welcome, friends of The Bardic College! 

With winter still lingering (some might say outstaying its welcome...) now is the perfect time to perfect our literary craft. To that end, The Bardic College is pleased to present the 2019 Futhark Awards! 

There have been a few changes made to our format from the 2018 Rune Awards, so please read the 'Rules' section carefully. There will be a plethora of wonderful prizes for winners to claim at the end of the Futhark Awards, so take this opportunity to polish your submissions to their very best!

The 2019 Futhark Awards will open for submissions on March 1st.

Until then, please read through the rules and genres, and do consider applying to be one of our judges! There will be benefits provided for all accepted judges, including follows and custom profile picture frames. 

Blessings, and see you all in March! 

~ The Bardic College

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The 2019 Futhark AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now