Chapter 11 and Epilouge

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(Ty's POV)

The squids were falling back. I smiled at our victory. Adam was acting like he had just gained conciousness. But where was Seto?

"Seto?!? Seto?!?"

There was no reply.

"Maybe he went back to the base..." Adam said sounding dazed.

It was now almost impossible to see. We walked to where we had been running. Then I saw a dark figure on the ground. I squinted and walked up to it. I gasped at the sight. It was a guy about my age. It was to dark to even tell who it was. His hair was covering his face. A sword was coming out of his stomach. Suddenly if almost timed the rain stopped. Everything started to get clearer. A cloak very familiar started to appear. His old raggedy hair became familiar.


I turned around to look at Adam but he wasn't there. I looked back at Seto hoping he would look up and ask for me to help him. That never came. Tears started to fall down my sore eyes. I pulled the sword out of Seto's stomach and lifted his head. He had been smiling.

"Did he do this to... Himself? He couldn't have why through the back then..? But he died happy.." I thought.

(Adam's POV)

I was sitting at a pond laughing my heart away. My hands had started to turn a licorice black. I just continued to stare at my arms.

"Hello there Adam. See your tired." I heard.

For some reason I recognized the deep voice.

"Hello Herobrine." I blurted out without even thinking.

"How are you?"

"Why don't you come and see?"

I felt his dark presence behind me.

"Ah. Not able to handle the power are you?"

"Guess not."

"You like it... Don't you?"


"You don't want to die because of it do you?"


"You want to keep it correct."

"Of course.."

"What am I doing?!? Yes I like the power but it's evil!" I thought.

Sadly that's not what I thought...

"I can help you keep it and live."


"No Adam don't!" I heard my amulet say.

"Shut up..."

I took off my amulet and threw it into the pond.

"I'm listining."

"And you retake the Dahlberg purpose."


"Why not? I thought you liked destroying!"

"I do.."

"Then why not?"

"Because I can't.."

"Fine. Then you'll just die. Guess my prophecy did fail."

He suddenly dissapeard. I felt the poison flow through my arms. I laughed at the pain. Then it hit my heart. I continued to laugh. Nothing mattered anymore. Other than accepting Herobrine's offer. I suddenly couldn't take the pain anymore. It started to consume my legs. I dove in the water and grabbed my amulet screaming.

Our Way To War *COMPLETED*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora