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Hey guys! This is a bonus that I will have on here just so you know what happened after the epilouge with the kids and stuff. :3

(3rd Person POV)

See? I told you it would end in a happy ending. Nothing evil ever happened after this I can promise you that. Adam's two baby's lived a happy life. So did Ty's baby girl Amelia. 

Bailey loved her daddy the most. Always looked up to him in any situation. She would sing with him everyday she got the change to. When she reached her teen ages she never snapped and yelled at her dad but instead grin and do what she was told.

Adam's boy was more of a momma's boy. Always went and hunted with her. He would cook the meats he hunted with his mom. He thought of his dad as a man with to much to do so he never talked to his dad as much.

Ty's little girl Amelia loved her father. Adored him. She always wanted to be by him. When it was Ty's 35th birthday she made him a messy cake and destroyed the kitchen. Ty's wife wasn't as happy with it but Ty loved it. They shared the cake as Ty's wife searched the perimeter.

Adam lived a long and happy life. He died at the age 85. Heart attack in his sleep. Milton took over the kingdom and ruled it well.

Ty died before his 85th birthday. Stroke in his sleep. Amelia took Ty's job.

They all ended happy eh? No painful deaths, no more murder, nothing evil in their lives. Just peace.

Our Way To War *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon